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is this really you?

who else should it be?

i don't know it's just that i didn't expect you to be insanely beautiful

because i am not

yes, yes you are and i'd love to get to know you better.

okay, how about this:
you go check up on lix and when you're sure he's doing okay you come back and we'll chat a little longer


Chan goes off his phone, thinking on how he could make it up on the younger. He remembers that Woojin told him that the poor boy might be asleep.

am i allowed to call you?

After he send that message to Felix the leader of 3racha hesitated to look anywhere else than his phone. A half hour later or so he received a text.


Right after he sees the message he calls Felix. "Hey Lix. How're you doing?" "It's getting better." "Listen Lixie, I am so sorry. I never meant to overstep any kinds of boundaries or make you feel uncomforatble. It's just that I am exremely happy to finally be able to talk to you again. You can even ask Changbin and Jisung if you want to." Felix breaks his speach. "It's okay Chris... Don't worry about me. But how am I supposed to ask people I don't even know?" "Oh, you know them for sure. You're a huge fan of their music." "Don't tell me that you just exposed your team mates-" "Oopsie?" Felix let out a little laugh, Chris really barely changed. "Lix, am I forgiven?" "Yes Crispy!" The older boy let out a little chuckle at the name Felix gave him when they first met and he had troubles to pronounce his name correctly. "Thank you. Do you want to talk a little longer?" Felix nods but soon remembers that Chan won't be able to hear him. "Yes! Of course!" A smile grows on Chans face and he lend down, his back on the wall. "Woojin texted me and asked me to check up on you. They really care for you, you know?" "Yes and I am extremely grateful to them. Y'know I trust them a lot. They cared for me when no one did and..." He notices how his voice is about to crack again. "Shsh calm down. You don't have to continue. It's okay." Chan says in this calm voice that always used to calm Felix down when he had panic or anxiety attacks, when his fear of people took control over him, whenever he felt useless or unnecessary. "Chris..." "Yes?" "I miss you" Felix says in a tiny voice. "I miss you too. So much. When I came to Korea I always would think about you. I would wonder how you've holding up. Especially in the beginning I even cried myself to sleep sometimes becausemy little sunshine wasn't there anymore. I have many regrets Lix... I wish I would've took my pride down earlier and... Damn I regret that I would'nt let you close to me." Felix almost tears up again. "Do you love Changin and Jisang?" Chan chuckled again. "You mean Changbin and Jisung? Hell yes I do. They saved me when I was about to give up, I owe them so much. They are my second family." "Then don't regret. If you love them as much as you said right now it was worth it." "Thank you. But let me ask you something." "Yeah sure." "Is this serious Felix really the you now? Or just an act?" Felix sighs. "Can we talk about this later?" "Yes of course. I'm not going to lose my little Lix again." "You won't. I promise."

Both boys stay silent for a while until Chans door opens and someone asks him something in korean. Chan answers him quickly in Korean and Felix feels so leftout since he can't understand anything. "Lix, it seems like I need to go soon or else Changbin's gonna beat my ass. Is this okay with you?" Felix breath stucks a bit when he realizes that Chan was talking about his big idol and celebrity crush. "Uhm... yeah sure..." Felix said shyly. "Oh, you probably want to talk to him, he's craving to meet you since we met." The freckled boy hesitats but then agrees. "Uhm... okay." Chan explains something to the younger rapper in Korean and soon after Changbin says in broken English "Hello, it's Changbin." to Felix who's nearly having an heart attack. "He- Hello. My name's Felix." It stayes quiet till Chan said "He said that he knows that already since I would talk about you a lot." causing Felix to blush. The three continue their little talk and Felix slowly warms up to the older rapper.

A half hour later or so the door opens again and Han Jisung himself stands in the doorframe, complaining about whatever takes them so long causing Felix to tense up again. Changbin explains the situation really quick to the squirrel looking boy who throws himself on Chan and Changbin. He says something in Korean making Felix groan. "Ji, try speak English please, will you? You're English is not that bad." Jisung shyly greets the Australian still people shy after all. "Y'know what I just noticed? Lix isn't your birthday ont he 15th september?" "Yeah why?" "Well Sungie's on the 14th!" Chan laughs. "No way! I have a friend who's name is Ji and his birthday is on the same as Jisungs!" Felix hesitats shortly on the Korean name, scarred to misspronounce it. Jisung on the other hand becomes oddly quiet making Chan and Changbin look at him questioning his reaction. "Felix if you want I'll add you in our group chat so we can all comunicate and get you to know them better and vice versa?" "Yeah... but please use memelix, not the other. That would be embarassing!" Chan laughs but agrees nontheless. Changbin on the other hand freezes at the name the younger just says. "Let's go we have lots of work left Chan Hyung!" Jisung says and with some last greetings Chan ends the call.

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