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After Chan hepls Jisung to look better, less like he would've panicked and cried. (A/N aka my classmates when I had a panic attack) As promised Minho shows up twenty minutes after the call. Hesitantly he knocks the door, it's not everyday that known idols invite you to their dorm. After not fully a minute Changbin opens the door. "Minho hyung, right?" Minho just nods making the smaller show a small smile. "Don't hurt Ji." With that he goes back into his room adn leaves the lost older alone.

Soon after Jisung literally throws himself in Minhos arms, who is co,pletely surprised. "Whoa there." The oldest of 3RACHA scolded the youngest. "I'm Chan by the way." Minho nods slowly wrapping his arms around Jisung. "He-hello. I am Minho." "I know, who do you think is Sungue talking about the whole time?" He chuckles making the other rapper whine.

Since they are still standing in the door frame Chan finally suggests them going in the living room or Jisungs room. Finally the youngest lets go of the taller and shows him around the dorm. "I'm sorry for the change..." He apologiezes to the older who just smiles reasuringly. "It's okay, I don't mind. As long as you are fine everything is fine with me as well." Jisung guides the older to his room. "Cuddle?" He asks and receives a nod. "Of course. I promised it after all, didn't I?" Jisung nods happily cuddling himself onto the older. The boys wraps his arms around the boy and soon the both of them sits down on the rappers bed. "are you comfy?" The squirrl like boy just nods and snuggles himself further in the older.

They stay like this for around an half hour, not doing anything other than cuddling. But that's okay since it just feels so right. Neither of them would want it any other way. They don't need to talk to enjoy this situation, they don't need to listen to any kind of music or watcha movie. They just need each other in the very moment.

"Hyung?" "Hmh?" It's the first time one of them talks since the begin of their cuddle session. "You promised me something else as well..." The shy voice of the younger and the blush that forms on his cheeks making him look more adorable then he already is. Minho nods. "You're right, I did. Do you still want it though?" Jisung nods excitedly looking now more like a puppy than a squirrel. The dancer presses a soft kiss on his forehead making the youngr whine. "Not satisfied?" "Nuuuuu!" With a whiny tone he exclaims his wish for a kiss on the lips making the older chuckle. "Patience baby." With that he places soft kisses all over the younger face, expect the place the younger wants it the most.

Nonetheless the boy enjoys the attention and the soft kisses to a max. "Are you sure?" The older mumbled while his thumb stroked the youngers lips who nods entusiastically. With this the taller sotly connects their lips, careful to not move too far. The doen't do much, it is just a innocent kiss on each other lips. After a little while Minho pulls away and places a quick kiss on the kissed guys nose. "You liked it?" Jisung nods enthusiastically. "Of course! How could I not?!" The older just chuckled. "I'm glad you did baby." There it is again, this nickname that makes Jisungs bone feel like jelly. that makes his legs weak and his cheeks blush in a bright pink.

"You're so cute." The older compliments again, running his fingers through the hair of the boy on his lap. Latter snuggles his head on the olders chest and kisses his temple. "I am?" He asks teasingly, it's Jisung after all. Not having this Minho starts to tickle the younger who cries out in laughter. After Jisung is really close to tears the older stops his action and adds a small "Very." before leaning in and kissing the youngers nose.

They may have met only this very day but due their multiple conversations through phone calls or texting, they feel very comfortable and familiar around each other. Especially for Jisung this is quite weird since he has those problms with new people and stuff, so why is it so different with Minho? Why has the older such an effect on him?

While Minho and Jisung are having their cuddle session Chan and Changbin are on phone with Minhos brother. The Australian is currently fanboying over a picture Changbin sneaked a bit earlier of the two boys and sent to Felix. Even though he often says hwo disgusting the two boys are with their constant flirting he secretly and deep down likes the interactions of the boy, is happy that his brother found someone to cherish and adore. He also is very happy that his friend fell in love with such a good - flirty, but good - guy like his older brother and not a random dangerous stranger. "Can you shut up?" Changbin requests after five minutes of Felix talking about how adorable Minsung - a name he starts to call them after he got tired of saying Minho and Jisung - are. As he pretends to not underdstand the older due his lack in speaking Korean the older just groans in annoyance. Maybe he talks sometimes to them in an impolite way on purpose but pretends he doesn't wittness it - maybe.

"Lix Changbin requests if you could shut your mouth." Chan quickly translates to English -  trying to be polite as always - but the youngest doesn't really pay any attention, he's currently axclaiming how happy Minho looks while holding the rapper in his arms. "FELIX I SWAER TO GOD SHUT THE FUCKING UP!" The leader finally breaks his kind acts making the younger shut up. "Thank you." The oldest says now in a kind manner.

Are you kiding me??
More than 2k reads and #14 on minsung >~<
I know that might not seem muh for a lot of people but for me it is, especially since i thanked you guys for 1k+ reads just a few chapters ago

connected dots • discontinued Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora