Chapter VI: Meet At Sunset

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You blinked, and the silhouette of a man disappeared in front of your eyes. "Witches?" Was your first thought, but that's impossible.

Your mother and father had told you stories about witches, but there hasn't been any burned at the stake since 1727 when your grandparents were kids. You sat on the bench, watching out the window.

Maybe he'll appear again.

*January 4, 1815*

You sat there all night, waiting for someone to reveal themself. Just as your eyes were becoming too heavy to stay open, you saw someone walking to the front gate.

"Sam?" you whispered to yourself.

You pushed yourself off the seat and grabbed your robe on your way out of the room.

"Y/N, what are you doing up so early?" your father asked as you ran past him and out the door.

Just as Sam was about to knock, you cracked the door open and slipped out. You carefully closed the door, and when you looked up, you startled, realizing how close you were.

You stare into his hazel eyes and blush, taking your hands off of his chest. "Sam. Wh... uh, what are you doing here so early?" you asked, holding your robe tightly around your body.

"Well, Hi. Good morning, Ladybug. I just wanted to check on you," he replied, with a smile. You sighed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "Let's walk. My father is watching us from the window," you whispered, pulling him down the front walkway.

You brought him to your spot in the woods. "You look tired. Is everything okay?" he asked. "I'm fine. Now, can you please tell me why you are so on edge about my safety all the time?" you asked, placing a hand on his bicep. "It's just... Can't I just check in on someone I care about?" he asked.

"Listen, I really like you, Sam, but you're starting to scare me. I mean, you're showing up wherever I go... So, please. Tell me what's going on!" you said, desperately.

"I-I can't. I just can't."

"You're a mysterious man, Mr. Winchester."

"Yeah, well...."

"Please, why can't you just tell me?"

"Because... I-I just can't!" he yelled, startling you.

"Sam..." your voice was soft, and tears threatened to spill from your eyes.

"Y/N, just... You wouldn't understand."

You scoffed. "Right." Rage pushed its way to the surface as you crossed your arms and turned away from him. "Come on, don't do this, Ladybug. I want to tell you, I really do. I just... can't."

You could tell he was struggling, but you didn't care. You were tired of everyone thinking that you can't handle things.

"Right. You know, my father will probably need help with breakfast, and my siblings, they'll probably be waking soon."

"N- Y/N, wait..." He held your arm, and you pulled it away, aggressively. "Stop, Sam. Just let me go, okay?" His face showed conflict from within himself.

He didn't know what he could do to make you stay. He balled his now empty hand into a fist, accepting that he lost.

You ran back to the house on your tippy-toes, to sustain minimal damage from the ground. You reached for the gate but were stopped.

"Y/N, hey. You alright?"

You startled and turned toward the man. "Mr. Snyder..." "Ethan. Please," he insisted. "Ethan. You nearly gave me a heart attack," you said, holding a hand to your racing heart.

He smiled, and you noticed he was fixated on the hand that held your chest. You furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head to make eye contact. "Excuse me, sir. I don't think your wife would much appreciate your gawking," you told him.

"Sorry. Sorry, I-I work with the police. My job is to observe people," he said, adding a nervous laugh.

"Okay, well, it's far too early for this. Was there something you needed?" you asked, reaching to the other side of the gate to unlock it. "Um, no. No, sorry again. Have a nice day," he said as he waved and awkwardly jogged off.

"Why can't I meet a normal person?"

"Y/N, in the house, now!" You scuffled to your mother who was standing in the doorway. "This is not how I raised my daughter," she added, closing the door behind you.

"And you were speaking with the neighbor! What will he think of you?" She began rambling to herself.

"Relax, Mother. I'm dressing myself now," you said with a sigh as you walked down the hallway.

When you walked into your room the girls startled at the sound of the door opening. They scrambled off of your bed.

"What are you three foozlers up to?" you asked, crossing your arms.

"Absolutely nothing," Penelope replied almost too quickly. You looked to Eileen. She looked to the side, but you could see that she was telling you something.

"There's a note on the bed." You shook your head and smiled. "Alright. Out, out. I'm afraid Mother will have a knife waiting for me if I do not come out in something 'presentable,'" you said, shooing them away.

You sighed, and quickly remembered the note on the bed.

You felt butterflies in your stomach as the paper touched your fingertips. "'Meet me at sunset in the usual spot'." You smiled to yourself but wondered how he got in your house before you did.

Something about this seemed off. He didn't sign it, and "meet at sunset"? He has that weird watch thing. Wouldn't he know the time?

It didn't matter. If he was ready to apologize, you were ready to accept. Something about him made your heartbeat quicken, and the thought of being angry at him made you anxious. You shook the feeling away and got ready for the day.

When you opened the door to leave, everyone except for Eileen, your mother, your father, and William were at the door, listening in.

"Yes?" you asked, crossing your arms. "Are you gonna go?! Are you gonna meet with him at sunset?!" Penelope swooned. "I don't see how that's any of your business..."

She placed her hands on her hips, giving you a look. You scoffed, keeping a laugh back. "Okay, okay. Yes. I'm meeting him at sunset," you told her, reluctantly giving in.

She jumped up and down, squealing with excitement. "Shush, now! Does Father need help in the kitchen?" you asked. "Yeah. Will's trying to help him, but we all know that breakfast will surely suffer if you don't step in," she went on. "I find Wiliam's cooking to be delicious," Jack said, smugly.

"Of course you would. The 'food' that he makes is always black, like your soul," Penelope teased. "Hey! That is so a lie!" he yelled.

"Alright you two. That's quite enough of that," you said, holding your brother back from your sister. "Poppy, run along. Go see if Will needs help, please," you said, waving her off.

She rolled her eyes and scampered off. "I never-" Jack started. "I know. Jack, we all lost something; a part of us during that time, and I want you to know that no matter where your head is, you are not alone."

He sighed, and aggressively pulled himself out of your grip. You watched as he walked to his room, which was unoccupied by the other boys, and slammed the door.

You walked into the kitchen, seeing Penelope and William both covered in flour. You laughed, "Oh dear. Alright, you two, go wash up."

Time's Not On Our Side, Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now