Chapter V: Guns And Fire Don't Mix

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*January 3, 1815*

You rested against the grass field, watching the clouds. "That one kinda looks like a... a... Yeah, I got nothing," he said with a sigh. You laughed.

"Hm, no imagination. Really quite sad," you teased, but immediately took it back. "No. I think it looks like a wedding gown."

"A wedding gown? Hmm... I guess I could see that," he said, squinting his eyes to get a better look. "That is definitely a wedding gown and a pair of church bells. I'm not crazy!" you giggled.

Sam sighed and turned onto his side, his eyes seemingly intrigued by your presence.

"Yes?" you asked, rolling onto your side. "Nothing. Nothing, I just thought I saw a bug on your face," he teased. "Right... Hey, the weirdest thing happened yesterday." "Really? What happened?" he asked, suddenly switching into some kind of "work mode."

You shrugged, realizing it might not be that big of a deal after all. "Come on, Ladybug. Tell me," he pleaded with his eyes, suddenly reminding you of a sad puppy.

"Okay, okay, but only because your face is hurting my eyes," you giggled, but quickly went back to the story, realizing he didn't find that quite as funny as you did, "Um... You know, I hate to be that person, but we have some new neighbors."

He gave a look, furrowing his eyebrows. "New neighbors? Doesn't really sound out of the ordinary," he smiled.

"No, I know, but there was something about the man. He was strange; chilling. I don't know, but last night, I was a bit restless, so I decided to read by the window. I just felt this strong presence, like someone was watching me. I-I don't know, I just feel like something's up, you know?"

He nodded, his countenance was troubled. "What?" you asked, feeling worried. "Nothing. Don't worry. Did he give you a name?" he asked. "Mhm, yes. It was... Ethan. Ethan Snyder, I believe," you replied. "Okay. Hey, do me a favor?" "Anything," you told him.  "Don't let him get you alone, okay?" "Deal."

"Good. Um, I-I had a great time, but um... I need to... my brother..." He pushed himself off the ground, and you followed. "Sam, if you need to go, just say so, okay?" you grinned, grabbing his hand.

You stood on the tips of your toes and kissed his cheek. He gave a breathy laugh. "Noted..." he whispered. There was a pause before he gave you a playful grin. "Hey, I need to go."

"Then go," you told him, giving him a playful push.

"Y/N, promise me you'll be careful," his voice was serious, and the nickname was gone. Were you right about this Ethan guy?

"I promise. I promise to be careful around the friendly new neighbor," you teased. "I'm serious. You need to be careful, Ladybug," he said. "Okay. Alright, don't get your panties all in a bunch." He gave you a look.

"Sam, go. I'll be perfectly fine. I can take care of myself," you assured him. "I know. I just... really care about you." "I care about you, too. Now, go. I don't want you to upset your father," you said, suddenly feeling bad about teasing him.

"Bye," he said before jogging off. You sighed and decided to head back home.


Sam's POV

He swung the door of the abandoned shed he was staying at open. "He's- he's here. We have to stop him," he said, catching his breath.

"Whoa, hey, calm down," Dean told him. "No! No, don't tell me to calm down. Y/N's in danger... When was the last kill?" he demanded in a calmer tone.

Dean scoffed. He had nothing against a one night stand or something to that extent, but falling in love? Big no-no.

"Sam, you didn't... You're not." "No! Come on, man. I... I'm just... worried about her, okay? So, please. How much time do we have?" he asked, desperately. Dean gave a heartfelt sigh and nodded.

"Four days," John intervened. "What do we still need?" Sam asked, grabbing a carved stake from an olive branch. "Blood. But, we have to decide who's gonna do it," John explained.

"What? Why?" Dean asked, crossing his arms. "Because the blood has to be from someone unknown to the one who does it." "Me. I'll do it," Sam said sternly. "What? Sammy, no. I'll do it," Dean said, taking the stake from Sam's hands. "Dean, I have to do this." "No. No you don't." "It's Y/N's life in danger, Dean. I'm doing this," Sam argued. Their dad had heard enough.

"Relax, boys. I'll get the blood alone. Then when the time comes, whoever it would make sense to do it, will do it," John said, taking the stake from Dean. "Good. Okay, what's next?" Dean asked.

"Hello." They all turned to see Cass, panting. "Cass, what is it?" Sam asked. "I've been watching Y/N since we got here. Nothing has stuck out to me, but a couple moved in next door. It's him. I can sense it."

"You need to go back to that girl's house and protect her with your life. We have four days. Four, Cass. He'll start to get restless, plan how it's gonna go down. Make sure his plan doesn't work," John told him, gathering his things. Cass nodded, and with a gust of wind, was gone. "Wait. Where're you going?" Sam asked.

"Where do you think? We need blood. Boys, stay here," John replied before leaving with no questions asked. "B... Dad..." Sam shook his head and placed a gun in his waistband.

"Sam, stop. You can't just leave. Dad said to stay here," Dean urged, stepping in front of him to block his only exit. "I can't just 'stay here', Dean. Especially when we know she's in danger," he said, trying to get past.

"Sam, listen. Cass is there with her. Everything's gonna be fine," Dean told him. "Dean-" He looked to the ceiling in frustration. "Sam..."

"You don't understand!" he yelled. "Of course I understand, Sam!" "No. No you don't."

"Stop! Stop with the 'you don't understand' crap because that's what it is! It's crap. I know exactly what's going through your head right now."

"Yeah? What?" he challenged. "One word. 'Jessica'." Sam shook his head and looked to the floor. "Am I wrong?" Dean asked.

"Yes. You are, Dean. It's not about Jessica anymore! I- You know what? No. I'm not gonna make that mistake again, okay? I'm going," he said, helplessly.

Dean sighed, repeatedly rubbing his forehead in frustration. "No, okay? No," he said, locking the door. "You can't keep me here!" Sam yelled. "Yes I can! And I will."

"How? I can just unlock the door and leave," he said. "Come on, think about this, dude! You're supposed to be the logical one here. You can't put a fire out with a gun. Please. Just let Cass do his job, and we'll do ours, okay? Can you do that?"

Sam nodded, realizing that if he wants to help you, he needs to be prepared.

*Your House*

You laid in your bed, tossing and turning. That same strange feeling of someone watching you urged you to check the window.

You threw the blankets off and walked toward the love seat under the window, careful not to wake the other girls.

You took a deep breath, gathering the courage to search the yard. "What the hell?..."

Time's Not On Our Side, Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now