Chapter IV: Mr. Snyder

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"This is quite the trek, huh?" you laughed, stopping to catch your breath. He gave you a closed-mouth grin. "What?" you smiled. "Oh, nothing," he replied.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get your garments? I've never seen anything like that." You placed a hand on the pocket of his strange blue slacks.

"Whoa there, Bug... Jeans. Th-They're jeans," he said, his face turning a bright red. You nodded and took your hand away. "Hm. Must be a Kansas thing," you said, continuing the hike.

"You know something funny?" you asked, already out of breath again. "What?" he asked. "We've walked a long way, and you don't seem to be too fatigued," you pointed out.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess with the line of work I'm in, my dad, brother, and I are running around a lot." "Hm. You call your father 'Dad'?" you mumbled.

"Uh, yeah. Is that..." "No, no. It's just... not many people do. It's usually 'Father' or 'Papa,'" you replied. "Oh," he said, softly.

"So, what do you do?" you ask, changing the topic. "Oh, it's a family business."

The rest of the walk was spent talking and laughing. You've never laughed this much with someone before.

"Race you!" you yelled, throwing off pieces of clothing one at a time until you were left in only your corset and bloomers. "Hey, wait up!" he yelled through laughter. You smirked, giving him a flirtatious wave before diving into the pool at the end of the waterfall.

The water surrounded your body, the cold shocked you, but you didn't care. You moved through the water, flawlessly, leaving a trail of small waves behind you.

Right as you came up for air, Sam hit the water.

With one of your hands, you continued to tread the water, and with the other, you covered your face.

When he came up, you burst into laughter. His hair was matted down, covering his eyes. The only thing you could see was the tip of his nose poking out and his lips, which were spread into a perfect grin.

You pulled against the water and wiped his hair out of his face. He rubbed his eyes and let out a light chuckle, laced with a hum of amusement at the matter before dunking the back of his head back under to take control of his mop.

"There's sand over there, so it must be shallower," you said before leading him that way. You stopped where there was just enough water to cover the top of your hips, but Sam, being as tall as he was, you could see his shirtless torso.

He noticed your staring, and you noticed that he noticed. You blushed, and he went under the water.

"How stupid can I get?" you mumbled to yourself.

A minute had gone by, and Sam hadn't surfaced. You looked around to see if he had gotten out somewhere, but there was no sign of him. "Sam?" you called out. You couldn't see him anywhere.

"Sam?!" you yelled, panic-filled your voice as you started moving further into the water.

You dove under the water and pushed through the stinging pain of the water in your eyes, but you couldn't find him.

You came to the surface again and screamed his name. Still, there was no answer. Your eyes filled with tears, but before you could think of what to do next, you felt a hand on each of your ankles, causing you to squeal.

You fell into the water, air escaping your lungs as you tried to get Sam off of you. He wrapped his arms around you and carried you to the surface.

He laughed as you kicked him over and over again, trying to get him to release you. He finally set you down, and he couldn't contain his laughter. You spit the water that had filled your mouth at his face and splashed him.

Time's Not On Our Side, Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now