Chapter VII: The Nightmare

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The time has come. You placed a pin in your hair and fixed Sam's bracelet around your wrist. "Okay."

You walked to the door, making no eye contact with the rest of your family, who were eating, in fear that they would say something you didn't want nor need to hear.

"Y/N..." Penelope started. "See you, Poppy. Mother, Father, William, Bernadette, Branson," you waved to Eileen, earning a bright smile, "And Jack." He grunted, letting his fork clang onto his plate.

You quickly left the house and took a deep breath. Something's off. You looked to the Snyder house. You saw Mrs. Snyder cooking something from the window, but Ethan was nowhere to be seen. Odd. You shrugged and started heading towards the spot in the field.

You were about halfway there when you heard a branch break behind you. You whipped your head to the side, looking cautiously for something there, but there was nothing. You ignored it and kept going.

You made it to the stream and stepped over it, but something caught your eye. A ring. It was silver and had ridges on it. It couldn't have been a wedding ring, but just in case, you picked it up.

On the inside, there was a message carved into it. "Dean, just because Jesus turned water into wine don't mean you gotta drink it, idjit." "Dean... Winchester?" you whispered to yourself.

You placed the ring in the pocket that you sewed onto your dress and went on.

As you approached the field, you were a bit disappointed, seeing that it was empty. But, you were willing to wait for him for as long as it took.

You sat on the grass and admired the sun, which began to set. Again, you heard a twig snap and turned your head to the woods, but saw nothing.

You nervously played with the bracelet, becoming anxious at the time getting later and later.

Suddenly, you heard the sound of feet hitting the ground faster and faster, but before you could look, someone placed their hands over your eyes.

You squealed, earning a laugh from the antagonist. A laugh that couldn't be mistaken.

"Sam! You ass!" You laughed as he let you go and sat next to you.

You playfully hit his arm, making him laugh harder. "That's not funny," you said, giving him the side-eye. "Oh, come on. It was pretty funny," he said, holding his arm. You stared into his eyes and hit him again, harder. "Ow! Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said, calming himself.

At that moment, you saw the sun hit his eyes. They sparkled in the light. Your eyes traveled down to his shoulders and across the rest of his body.

He wore a brown shirt and suspenders that attached to a pair of low-waisted khaki pants. "Like what you see?" he asked, breaking your daze.

Your cheeks warmed into a bright red. "No..." you said in a flirty tone, biting your bottom lip. He looked into your eyes, words were too hard to form.

"I see you went shopping," you said, causing him to break his gaze. He cleared his throat and nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah." His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat again.

"Yeah. Just thought I should probably wear something other than jeans, or a suit, you know?" he asked. "Mhm. Well, you look nice," you said, placing a hand on his knee.

"Y-You look nice, too," he stuttered. "Don't get too flustered. The sun is just starting to disappear," you said, turning your attention back to the sun, which was a dark orange, tinting everything a nice golden color.

You couldn't take your eyes off the beautiful sight, and Sam couldn't take his eyes off of you. The way you were so entranced by nature's beauty.

You could feel him staring, and you leaned into his shoulder. He moved his arm to support you.

Eventually, the sun was completely gone, leaving you in the light of the moon. Sam laid back on the grass, a hand on the back of his head. You soon followed, resting your head on his chest.

You watched the stars sparkle in the sky for so long, your eyes started to feel heavy, and sleep took over.

*January 5, 1815*

Your eyes, still heavy, peeled themselves open with a struggle from sleep still pulling you down, but you forcefully escaped, noticing Sam's shaky breaths.

You pushed yourself to a seated position, noticing that it was still dark outside, and saw Sam's eyes move rapidly back and forth underneath his eyelids.

"Sam," you whispered, trying to awaken him. "Y/N... No..." he mumbled. You were confused.

"Sam. Hey, Sam," you whispered again, placing a hand on his chest. His breathing quickened, worrying you. "No..."

"Sam. Hey." His eyes shot open, and with a gasp, he shot upright.

"Hey, you were having a nightmare," you said softly. He rubbed his face and sighed. "Sorry. I'm sorry," he apologized. "Do you want to... talk about it?" you asked, shyly.

He laughed to himself and shook his head. "No. No, I think I should go. Your family is probably wondering where you are, anyways."

"My... My family can wait. I want to make sure you're okay," you said, grabbing his hands. "I'm fine, Bug." You gave him a concerned look, and he gave your hands a squeeze before releasing them.

"Can I at least walk you home?" you asked. "Uh... listen... How 'bout I walk you home?" he suggested. You nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that," you replied. He got up and held a hand out for you.

You walked back to your house, stopping at the front gate. "When will I see you again?" you asked. "Tonight. Same time, same place." You smiled and he began to leave, but you remembered something.

"Sam, wait." He stopped and looked to you with curiosity in his eyes. "I uh, I found this ring on my way last night. I noticed that it said 'Dean' on it and was wondering if it was your brother's," you said, taking it out of your pocket.

Sam laughed in disbelief. "HaHa! Ladybug, saving the day." You blushed. "Thanks. I've been looking for that. Must've fallen out of my pocket," he said, taking it from your hand.

He looked at it in the moonlight, said thanks again, and began to leave.

"Sam?" you called. He stopped again, and you walked to him. You looked into his eyes and kissed his cheek. "Bye," you said, before actually letting him leave this time.

You watched him as he walked away, turning back to you every once in a while to make a silly face. You giggled and waved every time he did this.

An emptiness filled your heart as he disappeared.

You turned to go back inside but were stopped. "Y/N." You looked to your right.

"Ethan? What... Uh, what are you doing up so late... or early, I guess?" you asked, getting nervous from his disheveled appearance.

"Work. Goin to work," he replied. You nodded and quickly got on the other side of the gate before running inside. What is going on?

Time's Not On Our Side, Sam WinchesterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz