Chapter I: A Night To Remember

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December 31, 1814. New Years Eve. Well, not like you can celebrate. Ever since the war two years ago, money has been tight.

You live in a small town in a three-bedroom cottage with your six siblings: Penelope, who is fifteen, Eileen, who is thirteen, Bernadette, who is seven. Those are the girls, then there's the boys. William, AKA Will, is twenty-one and soon to be married. Jack, the next one is eleven, and Branson, also seven, due to being a twin.

Anyways, you're eighteen and because your brother is wedding, the time has come for you to find a bachelor who finds you worthy of his love. Now, you would prefer to find true love, but your parents... well, more like your mother, wants you to marry into riches.

You sat on the couch in the study, sewing the dress of one of your sisters, when the door swung open. Your entire family burst through the door.

"Y/N, the eldest of the Winchester family!" Your mother waved a piece of paper in your face. "What? What?" you asked, following it with your eyes. "They're in town!" she squealed, handing you the letter.

"'This is an urgent letter from Sir, John Winchester.'" you read. "Well, what does it say?" Penelope, asked excitedly. "Uh, it says here, his eldest son is looking for a bride.
They're holding a New Year's ball to find the most beautiful maiden... Oh, Mother, I'm sure they're not talking about me," you said bashfully.

"Oh, bah! Don't be so pigeon-livered. You've been blessed with a beautiful face," Penelope giggled. You smiled, your countenance showed embarrassment. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see Eileen. "You're beautiful," she signed.

When Eileen was a baby, she contracted a dreadful case of the chickenpox. Due to your family's low economic status, you had to rely on home remedies.

Everything survived, but her hearing. No matter, your relationship only strengthened. "Thank you," you signed with a soft smile. You pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"Y/N, Y/N, look!" Bernadette said in her little girl voice. You turned to see her holding your worn down dress to her body and dancing with it.

"Mr. Winchester is gonna love you!" she said, clumsily waltzing around the room. "Give it to her, Benny!" Branson shouted. They started to fight, and the others got involved.

You shook your head and laughed. "I do hope you find a true love that swoons your soul as much as my dear Elizabeth," William said as you went back to your sewing.

"Yes. You are very privileged my dear brother. Being a woman in a man's world is not as easy as you suppose it to be," you said, feeling the blood boil in your veins as you pulled the needle through the fabric, pulling the frayed ends together.

"Sister, Sister, that's not what I meant," he chuckled. "I know. Forgive me, but Mother and Father expect me to marry into riches, and you get to marry the love of your life," you said, slamming the dress to your lap.

"I'd rather die alone than marry a dreadful ogre of a man with so much money that he can wipe his ass with it," you went on, causing everything, the screams, and the running to cease.

You sighed and went back to your sewing like nothing happened. It's very frowned upon for a girl to stand up to a boy. But you've always been sort of... different.

Your mother even suggested your wit being the reason why you're still an available maiden. Just because you're not afraid to speak your mind. What a laugh.

You felt a tap on your shoulder. "Here's your dress," your sister's soft voice cooed. You sighed and put on a smile. "Go play," you said, gently taking the gown from her arms.

"I am terribly sorry for my outburst. Please, continue with your daily tasks," you told them. After a few very long seconds, they left quietly closing the door.

"I am but a fool," you whispered to yourself.

*January 1, 1815*

"Oh, darling girl. You look lovely," your mother said, straightening up your dress. "The coach is here," you said coldly as you saw the horses trotting up to your front door. "Horses!" Bernadette squealed, leading the rest of the girls outside. "Good luck, my dear," your father said softly.

You let everyone else in before you and sat on the edge of the cushioned seat with your head pressed against the wall. The tour on the uneven road was just a long hazy mist. You were at your dulled home and suddenly at a handsome manor.

The coachman held out a hand for you, but you refused to take him up on his offer. "Y/N, we're not at home anymore. Please, act like a lady for once," your mother told you as she carefully got out of the carriage. You scoffed and started for the doors.

"I've got it, thank you very much," you told the footmen as they were about to open the door for you. As soon as you walked in you froze. Pure chaos is what this party is.

You took a deep breath, and by then the rest of your family were standing behind you. "It's not polite to stare. Go take your sisters and..." she trailed off.

You looked to see if she was going to finish her sentence, but she was gone. Already with a guzzled glass of champagne. "Come along then, girls," you said, leading them into the crowded mess of desperate maidens.

"Oh, I do hope that you girls don't end up like these pathetic bachelorettes that would do anything to..." you started. "Y/N," Penelope stopped you.

"Sorry," you said, continuing to the ballroom. "Mama told us not to listen to your dreadful speeches about the men of this world," Bernadette said. "Yes, well, I'm just trying to protect you," you replied.

Just then, Eileen tapped on your shoulder. "You alright?" you signed. She nodded and pointed behind her.

You lifted your gaze. Three men came strutting in. The first man was pretty. Not as tall as the others, wore a trench coat over his suit and had the bluest eyes you had ever seen in your life.

Castiel Novak, AKA Mr. Novak. Mr. Winchester's personal writer, bodyguard, and greatest companion. Beside him stood Sir John Winchester. He is a man of his middle age and a soldier.

You knew your mother, wherever she is, is currently swooning. Then there's him. Dean Winchester. Twenty-six, tall, green eyes, and quite the lady's man. "He is quite handsome, if I do say so myself," Penelope remarked.

"Oh, hush," you giggled, nudging her shoulder. John whispered something to Dean. They both looked around. You looked in the same direction as them, but couldn't see anything.

"Talk to him!" Penelope whispered, pushing you hard. "Whoa there, Ladybug." You flinched at the feeling of a man's grip on your shoulders. "I won't hurt you," he assured.

"I-I'm terribly sorry. I can be such a foozler sometimes, and my little sister over there pushed me. I-I... Goodness, excuse me. Gosh! I can be such a church bell... some... times..." You stopped your rambling as soon as your eyes met.

Was this love at first sight? It couldn't be. You didn't believe in that, but there was a spark. Did he feel it too?

"Uh... S-Sam. Sam Winchester," he stuttered. "I know... Well, I mean..." "Sam." Startled, you turned your head to see Mr. Novak calling this... this strikingly gorgeous man.

A Winchester. You never thought you'd find yourself falling under the spell of a Winchester boy.

"Dance with me," you said under your breath. You needed to know more about him. He smiled and looked to the floor. "I'm kinda new to this, but shouldn't I be the one asking you?" he asked. You nodded and took his hand.

"Should? Yes, but you were taking far too long, sir... Now, let's." You pulled him into the ballroom with the widest smile you could ever give, looking back at him every so often. He laughed, sending you to somewhere new.

His smile. It sent you to a different universe.

*Well, that's the end of the first chapter! I hope you liked it!! Next one will be up next Saturday!*

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