Chapter Forty Four

Start from the beginning

"No," she finally said, glancing up at him. "I escaped because I was strong enough to. You tried to beat my spirits down here, but you were unsuccessful. This desire you have to control those around you has ceased, Marcus. I am no longer scared of you."

He scrunched his nose in disgust.

"You took me from behind, like a coward," she continued. "You toyed my mind with lies because you could not control the reality. You present yourself as this maliciously calculated ruler, but all your actions have been on impulse. You behave like a child."

Marcus stepped and reached forward, through the bars, effectively grabbing her hair. She groaned as he pulled her toward him, forcing her to slam against the steel bars. He chuckled and leaned in closer.

"I own you," he told her. More like a promise. "I will own you beyond my death, for the rest of your life. I will fill your head with nightmares. Do not forget this, Miss Prior."

Beatrice reached for her waist and grabbed the dagger she had brought. She looked up in her capturer's eyes - and saw nothing but hatred. He hated her with his entire being. 

She raised her hand and brought the dagger down, ripping herself from his grasp by slicing her hair. He yelled out in pain, stumbling back, as he held his now bleeding hand. She stepped back and watched drops of blood fall from his hand to the floor. 

He cursed at her relentlessly as she watched.

Consumed by the moment, Beatrice did not notice Tobias had entered the area until he reached for her arm. She widened her eyes at his presence, confused as to how he would be here.

Tobias, who had rushed down when he heard the yell, quickly reached for her hands after seeing the blood on the floor. He sighed in relief, seeing that she was not the one who was cut. He squeezed her palm and turned to the side, addressing his father.

His father, whom he had not seen since his wedding day. Since he had punched him unconscious and left him on the floor.

Marcus roared at the sight of his son. "You stupid, stupid, boy!" he yelled. "You are my biggest disappointment, Tobias! I curse the day you were ever born!"

Beatrice stepped in front of him. 

Marcus laughed uncontrollably at the sight. His mind was slipping from sanity by the second. His blood on the floor was a reminder of the power he had lost. He was no longer in control.

And this tormented him beyond belief.

"You are a lotus flower, Beatrice!" he screamed. "You have come from a dirty pond, yet your beauty blinds those around you from your despicable characteristics!"

Beatrice glanced up at Tobias. Her only concern was the effect of his father's words on him. She could not even imagine a parent telling their own child such horrendous words. 

To her surprise, Tobias flashed a smile. He did not care for his father's words because he knew they were only meant to hurt him, and if he allowed himself to be hurt, he would be handing his father power all over again.

He glanced at Beatrice. She was the reason why standing up to his father was worth it. Being able to be by her side was the only reason he found to disregard anything anyone would ever tell him.

He knew very well he was an unwanted son. Yet, his disappointing existence had led him to the one person who made his life worthy.

"That sounded like a compliment, Marcus," Tobias finally said, amused.

Marcus thrashed against his restraints as Tobias reached for Beatrice's hand, guiding her away and back up the stairs. 

Marcus' laughter filled his ears, and although he tried to portray a brave face on his exterior, he knew those words and that laughter would effectively haunt him.

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