Chapter 22: End of the Line

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"So what exactly are we doing here?" You ask inside the elevator at Beacon.
Instead of your usual trip up to visit Ozpin, the Headmaster was taking you, Pyrrha and Jaune down. Way further than usual. The general had dropped you three off at Beacon only to run to the rest of the action, as his Atlesian knights had turned and started attacking the people.
"There's not much time to explain, all that matters is that Pyrrha gets to the Maiden safely." Ozpin says.
     "Excuse me what? You're harboring a Maiden in your basement?" You ask, shocked and a little angry.
     "Uh, guys? What's a Maiden?" Jaune innocently asks.
     "Seasonal Maidens. Like the fairy tale." You say quickly.
     The rest of the elevator ride was silent. The second you reached the very bottom you all sprinted towards the end of the hall. At the end, you see a brown haired girl in critical condition. The girl was hooked up to some form of life support, barely alive yet unable to die.
     "Ms. Nikos, it's time." Ozpin says typing away, opening the empty hatch.
     Before Pyrrha could step inside, you put your arm out, stopping her from moving forward.
     "Oz, I want answers. What is going on here? What are you about to do to Pyrrha?" You ask, staring daggers into the headmaster of Beacon.
     "(Y/N), right now is hardly the time. Ms. Nikos was chosen to be the next Fall Maiden, however Amber's condition was comprised when someone attempted to take her powers. By transferring her aura to Pyrrha we think we may be able to prevent the power of the Fall Maiden from falling into the wrong hands." Ozpin explains.
     "Was she given a choice or an ultimatum? I don't believe in destiny, however I do believe in free will. This, right here is inhuman. You will strip Pyrrha of her identity! You are forcing that poor girl to stay alive! Instead of hunting her assailant you choose to prolong the inevitable!" You shout.
      However, your anger falls on deaf ears. As Pyrrha pushes your arm aside, heading towards the empty tube.
     "Pyrrha, you can't be serious! This was eating you alive, this is no decision someone like you should make so early!" You say, pleading with your girlfriend.
     "(Y/N), I am well aware of what the consequences of my decision. And I am also aware of all those who'll suffer if I don't do this. Also, I believe it was you who said, 'nothing can change who you are'." Pyrrha says, turning your way and kissing you before entering the tube.
"Jaune, come on! You can't possibly agree with this, can you?" You ask.
The blonde knight however looked like his mind was in turmoil. Much of what's going on he probably was blissfully ignorant to.
"If Pyrrha's on board, then I'll do whatever I can to make sure she reaches her goal." Jaune says.
You sigh, defeated at the situation. Soon enough Ozpin activates the process of transferring the Fall Maiden's aura. Both her and Pyrrha look to be in excruciating pain. All you can do is look away and wince, powerless to stop what's going on. Jaune pleaded with Ozpin to stop the second he saw Pyrrha in pain, however the old headmaster ignored the blondes pleas and cries. The process however came to a sudden halt, as the Fall Maiden had been pierced in the heart by an arrow. Turning, you see a woman with long black hair and a well developed figure. Her yellow eyes suddenly glowing as she's engulfed in the full power of the Fall Maiden. You look to see Pyrrha struggling to escape the tube, so you quickly throw one of your tonfa at the glass, shattering it allowing your girlfriend to escape.
     Jaune immediately jumps into action, attempting to swing at the black haired woman powering up. However the blonde knight is quickly blasted back with a fireball, sending him back. Pyrrha and you go to rush but Ozpin stops you both.
     "Get Glynda, Ironwood, Qrow! This tower must not fall!" Ozpin demands.
     "But we can help!" Pyrrha pleads.
     "No! She's far too dangerous for either of you to face! Now go!"
     You pick up Jaune fireman style and rush past the black haired woman, heading towards the elevator alongside Pyrrha. On the way up, Pyrrha holds onto your free arm. You can tell all of this is weighing down on her. You can imagine she feels partially responsible for not acting soon enough. You decide to remain quiet though, as you three arrive on the main floor. As you exit the tower, you set Jaune down. The blonde knight has started to wake back up and is back on his feet, though in no shape to fight.
     "Pyrrha, you and Jaune need to go and get reinforcements. I'll help Ozpin keep whoever that was at bay." You say.
     "(Y/N) no! This has nothing to do with you! I was the one who was suppose to become the Fall Maiden, let me fight her!" She argued.
     "Pyrrha, a part of being a great huntress is to protect the people. Not always rushing into a fight. You still have a goal to strive for, I've overcome my trauma. Let me do this."
     "I won't let you! I'm not loosing someone I love!" Pyrrha shouts.
     You bring Pyrrha into an embrace, kissing her for what feels like forever before separating and running back into the tower. You can hear her shout your name as you enter the heavily damaged building. You notice the elevator has been damaged beyond use. You curse to yourself before finding a hole in the top of the elevator cart. Climbing on top, you then begin to scale the long way up, holding on the cables with all of your strength. Soon enough you end up at Ozpin's office, where the black haired woman is staring into the eyes of a dragon Grimm.
     "Whatever you're planning ends now." You say stoically, grabbing your one remaining tonfa.
     "What heroic nonsense." The woman says, launching fire your way.
     You dodge her blasts, returning fire with your tonfa in gun mode trying to distract her long enough to rush forward. This works, allowing you to fly at her with a side kick. She however blocks your kick, drawing two glass swords and swinging furiously at you. You manage to dodge most of her swings, getting grazed by a few slashes. She then goes for a double overhead slash, which you catch both blades ninja style and break them. In the midst of shock, you take the opportunity to land a barrage of punches to both her chest and face before nailing her with a powerful roundhouse that sends her into the glass.
     "Give up, that's your only warning." You say pointing your gun at her head.
     "So this is what the prodigy of Bruce Lee has to offer? Too bad he was only a pushover." The woman says.
     "Excuse me?"
     "You heard me, your Master looked so helpless as he gasped for air one last time as the poison consumed him. Such a shame the legendary martial artist was killed by an 'aspirin overdose'."
     "You're the one who killed Master Lee?" You ask, your hand shaking with rage.
     "The one and only. The names Cinder Fall, the killer of the great Bruce Lee. And now, his greatest pupil." She said as she threw a massive torrent of flames your way.
     The fire completely incinerated your top, however you felt no burning. You only felt the boiling of your blood from the anger that consumed you. Your aura began to form around you, glowing with magnificent blues, pinks, oranges and purples. Your hair began to shift from its typical (H/C) to an elegant silver. You're eyes shown brighter than the sun as you let out a furious roar, loud enough to shatter the glass within the office. You grab Cinder by the neck and slam her into the desk. She shouts out in pain, launching more flames your way from point blank range. You effortlessly dodge them, beginning to ground and pound the helpless Fall Maiden before she's had enough. Surrounded by flames, Cinder flies through the roof to which you follow. She launches a torrent of flames at you whilst moving in with another set of glass swords. You slip past every fire ball and glide past the enraged Maiden with ease. You start to lay in kick after kick, punch after punch, letting out guttural shouts of rage as you pummel the person who murdered your Master.
Cinder was on the back foot, she was loosing. And she hated it. The dragon Grimm latched onto the tower turned your way, attempting to bite down on you. You grab the two ends of the Grimm's jaws, keeping it from crushing you. In this moment of distraction, Cinder begins hitting you with fireball after fireball. While the pain is dulled, you can feel your back burning up from the flames. In a last ditch effort, you throw yourself out of the dragons mouth and dodging an arrow from Cinder, as she accidentally shoots an arrow into the back of the dragons mouth before it closes. In pain, the Grimm roars furiously, smashing its head against the top of the tower. While Cinder was trying to command the dragon, you took your shot, landing a brutal side kick to her chest. You could feel the ribs breaking under your feet as she clutches her chest in pain. The Fall Maiden collapses to one knee as you bring your gun to her head.
"This is for Master Lee, for Beacon, and all the other innocent lives you've killed." You say ready to pull the trigger.
But before you could pull the trigger, you feel a violent surge of pain corse through your body. Blood rains from your nose as you fall to your knees and cry out in excruciating pain. Your hair fades to its natural (H/C) and your aura fades away. Smirking, the Fall Maiden manages to muster whatever strength she had to stand up and charge a ball of fire in her hands.
"What an annoying waste of talent." Cinder said.
Right as the blast left her hand, you saw out of the corner of your eye Pyrrha launch her shield at the Fall Maiden. The blast hit you, forcing you through the top of the tower back into the office below. You lay helpless, clinging onto whatever consciousness you had left. You try to call out Pyrrha's name, only for the words to never leave your mouth. In your final moments you hear a scream and then a bright light, blinding you before you let the darkness come.

(3rd person view)

A few days have past since the Fall of Beacon. Grimm infested the campus, ranging from packs of Beowolves to herds of Goliaths. The area was left abandoned. Very few huntsman dares to return to attempt to clear the area and very few made it back with their life.
There were footsteps echoing throughout the abandon campus. The Grimm spy from a distance but those who have lived longer lives know better than to engage. A man makes his way through the rubble and destruction, ignoring any growls or hisses aimed his way. A young Beowolf lunged out front the rubble, ignorant of his fate. Soon the Grimm was met with lightning fast roundhouse kick that instantaneously turned the Grimm to dust. The man paused and dusted off his cowboy boots before continuing on. The man clad in a button down collared denim shirt, jeans, and a large belt buckle made his way for the main tower. Atop the tower stood the frozen body of the dragon Grimm, still in a roar as it stood for the tests of time to wither it away. The man only walked on, into the destroyed building. Noticing no elevator to make his way up, the man walks to the elevator shaft and grabs one of the chords, tugging on it slightly. Suddenly the elevator comes crashing down to the ground floor for the man to step inside. Noticing the electronics were busted, the man climbed atop the elevator cart, pulling it up with him to the top floor with ease. Once at his destination, the man walked into the destroyed office, broken glass and scorch marks adorned the room. Looking around, the man noticed a pile of rubble and began to dig up the pieces of concrete to find exactly what he was looking for. He found the presumed dead (Y/N) (L/N), lying badly burned underneath. The mans quickly got down to check (Y/N)'s pulse feeling it still there but faint. With this revelation the man scratched his majestic beard before picking up the unconscious warrior. After leaving Beacon, the man put you in the passenger seat of a pickup truck before driving off away from the campus but not towards Vale. On the trip, (Y/N) starts to stir, attempting to wake up. Barely able to open his eyes he gets a small glance at his savior. Only able to make out a beard and a cowboy hat the prodigy of Bruce Lee mutters,
"Who... you..."
"I'm known as many things. A ranger, a monk, a soldier. But you can call me Norris....

.... Chuck Norris."

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