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~At the end of every tunnel, there's always a ray of light.~ Kehinde🙂

The past year in Aqaba had been nothing short of bliss for Aria.

Tarzah had been nothing but sweet to her.

He was a fisherman and he made an honest living.

Aria sat near the bank and just watched him while he fished.

His chest was bare and his loose pants were rolled up to his calves.

He had light brown hair and his eyes were the kindest shades of brown she'd ever seen.

She watched him straighten and look her way.

He flashed her a dazzling grin and Aria's heart skipped a beat.

She felt herself blush and quickly looked away.

After a few moments, Tarzah brought his catch back to the shore and Aria immediately stood to assist him but he protested.

"No Aria, it's fine." He chuckled at her.

Aria found herself smiling, how could she not?

He was a bundle of happiness and joy.

"Please Tarzah, let me help you with something." Aria persisted.

Tarzah searched her eyes, he could see she was eager.

He smiled at her.

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

Aria's heart swelled that he'd agreed to let her help.

"Be careful though, don't let the fish touch your clothe." He said as he handed her a small basket of fish.

Aria took it from him gladly sending him a grin of her own, and they both made their way, side by side to their small cottage.

In no time, they both sorted the fish, the ones for sale and the ones they would steam for consumption.

"You're a natural at this." He complimented looking into her beautiful eyes.

Aria for the life of her couldn't stop herself from blushing madly.

"Thank you Tarzah." She said averting her eyes shyly.

After they were through with the sorting, Tarzah gave the fish for sale to one of his trusty merchants to sell for him.

He would get his own little share of profit of course.

It was quickly getting late and they both got ready to settle down after Aria cooked them a delicious meal of fish stew on boiled rice with a fried egg as topping.

They lived a modest life and Aria was beyond grateful for it.

Aria heard Tarzah clear his throat softly and looked at her.

She turned to him.

Aria could see there was something on his mind but she didn't want to push him, so she waited for him to talk.

Tarzah let out a breath as his eyes locked with her soft ones.

It sent his heart in a frenzy but he didn't look away.

"I've wanted to ask you this for months, but I didn't want to seem nosy." He started.

Aria smiled at him and Tarzah found that he couldn't look away.

"You can ask me anything Tarzah, you know that." She said softly touching his hand lightly.

His eyes widened slightly.

Sands In The Darkest NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora