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*Warning: This chapter has a dark tone. Readers' discretion is advised.*

Aria let out a terrified gasp as she woke up.

The thin undergarment in form of a nightgown clung to her as perspiration covered her entire body.

Her breathing was ragged, she was terrified of going back to sleep.

She'd seen him in her dream.

She'd seen Akhenaten.


Aria found herself down, deep down beneath the earth, but she had no recollection of how she'd gotten there.

She took several shaky steps into the unknown terrain.

To her utmost surprise, she saw a raised altar soaked in blood.

Her breath hitch in her throat.

Aria watched horrified as six figures with their faces hidden in black ceremonial cloaks surrounded the altar.

And that was when she saw him.

Aria felt heat engulf her as everywhere erupted in flames. It was a literal inferno.

She hid behind a pillar nearby and watched, fear gripping her entire being.

She heard chants from the hooded figures and out of nowhere, she saw a young maiden appear on the altar.

Aria gasped.

'She was naked.'

She'd been stripped of her clothing.

Aria saw the terrified look in the girl's eyes.

She looked small and frightened.

The girl screamed for help but there was no answer, no one to come to her rescue.

"God help me!" She cried.

"God cannot help you. We are your gods, and you've been offered to us." Aria heard the haunting disembodied voice of one of the hooded figures say.

A shiver broke through Aria's body.

Her eyes widened as she watched Akhenaten walk up to the woman, and to her horror, right before her eyes, he defiled her.

Aria felt sick.

It was as if the girl was drugged, intoxicated because she neither struggled nor resisted him, in fact, she seemed to enjoy it.

At that point, Aria was barely standing, her mind was trying to fully comprehend the scene playing out before her, but she couldn't.

What happened next, would forever be imprinted in her head.

She watched, unable to look away, too scared to do anything as the other six cloaked figures took turns in violating her on the same altar.

Through it all, the girl didn't resist, or rather she couldn't.

Afterwards, she saw Akhenaten cradle her, and without flinching, slit her throat with a golden dagger.

Even from where she stood, Aria heard the pain-filled gasp.

And Akhenaten drank her blood.

He drained her, till all life left her.

She fell limp against him.

Her lifeless eyes seemed to stare at her accusingly.

Her body was disposed of and she saw them lay Akhenaten on the same altar of stone and the six cloaked figures surrounded him once again.

Sands In The Darkest NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora