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~I think I'm falling...~

They sailed gently on the Nile and Aria had never felt such euphoria, such bliss.

She'd never been on a ship before, but Akhenaten had made that dream come true.

They were both seated beside one another as the male servants waved the peacock-feathered fan over them.

She was so excited she stood and moved to the ledge to see the water move below.

Shortly, Akhenaten stood too and came to stand beside her.

He was wearing his nemes crown but he hadn't put on his artificial beard.

Aria realised that as Pharaoh, he couldn't leave his head uncovered.

She knew he would have to shave his hair soon, but she liked his hair.

"What are you thinking?" Aria jumped a little at his voice.

"Nothing." She said quietly.

Akhenaten faced her, but she didn't look at him.

"I know I have wronged you, Aria." Aria heard him say.

She turned to him surprised.

Aria's heart skipped a bit involuntarily as she looked into his amber eyes.

She averted her eyes.

"I don't deserve a chance, but that is what I ask." He said quietly.

Akhenaten closed his eyes for a moment before opening them.

"I'm trying." He stated.

Aria watched him turn away from her and grip the ledge tightly.

"I'm trying to not be the monster you-" He stopped short.

"Akhenaten." She called his name softly.

She let out a breath when he didn't turn to face her.

'Surely, he must know.'

"You're Pharaoh and I'm nothing but a servant, nothing's changed," Aria said softly.

He turned to her and looked into her eyes.

"Something has." He said quietly.

"I've grown feelings for you but it would seem you've grown feelings for another man." He stated.

Aria's eyes widened.

Akhenaten's heart clenched. She didn't deny it.

He looked away.

"Akhenaten." She called softly.

He let go of the ledge and went to the bow of the ship and just stared into the distance.

She lowered her eyes and let out a breath.

She went to him and looked up at him, but his expressionless eyes looked on ahead.

A sigh escaped her lips.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Did he love you the way you wanted?" He asked quietly.

"Yes," Aria whispered.

"Was he kind, patient, not envious, or easily angered?" Akhenaten questioned her.

Aria's eyes widened.

'What was she supposed to say to that?'

"Yes." She said softly. She told him the truth.

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