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~Good habits result from resisting temptation.~ Egyptian quote.

In the second day of the fourth month, the Prince Regent arrived.

Aria was lying on her bed at the time. Her heart sped up but she couldn't bring herself to stand.

She hadn't seen him in four months, she was afraid of what their meeting would be like. She sat up and was about getting out of bed when she heard the commotion, it was the warning gong.

Aria's eyes widened.

The Prince had gotten injured.

The commotion that ignited in the Palace was so great that the news had spread far and wide.

The prince was ambushed after a peace treaty as retaliation against the previous slaughter in an ally nation.

He was taken to his private chambers, the Royal Physicians following in cue.

Aria had long since run out of her room to catch a glimpse of the Prince. She gasped when she saw the crowd that had gathered in the halls.

She caught a glimpse of the woman that had arrived with him the last time-it was Pharaoh's god-daughter.

It seemed to Aria that they went everywhere together.

She just wanted to know if he was okay.


Akhenaten and Ahmes stayed alone in his private chambers.

Ahmes walked to his bedside and placed a hand on his forehead, her eyes were filled with so much worry.

Ahmes had never seen him that hurt. His entire body was wrapped in cotton, coated with traditional medicine but he was unconscious.

The Palace physicians had done all they could and have left the rest to him.

Ahmes sat by him and prayed to her God that Akhenaten recover.


Three days had passed, three days since the Crown Prince had returned to Egypt near the brink of death. Aria found herself worrying about him-a great deal.

She was anxious and worried at the same time. From the rumours that passed round the Palace, she'd heard that he'd gotten worse and the future was uncertain.

She'd seen the restlessness and fear in Pharaoh's eyes.

Aria knew it was fear of losing his only heir and son.

She still kept her visits to the lake.

Hoping, praying, he would miraculously show his lean build and expressionless eyes.

But he never showed.


Akhenaten stood afar off and watched her. He was surprised to see her by the lake, his secret place.

He took a step towards her but stopped short.

She couldn't see him, his body was still lying unconscious in his private chamber.

He was astral projecting.

He stared at her and he couldn't look away.

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