Chapter 24

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"Hey Diake, are you--" the captain cut himself off when he arrived at the training room. He had not seen the boy on his bed, so he was worried. What surprised him was that he saw the boy's entire body covered in sweat, as if he had done intense exercises that he had not become accustomed to. The fact that the boy was also panting heavily had implied that he had finished his training recently.

"Seriously?" The captain said out before shaking his head. The captain seem to know that the boy was incapable of physical training, which may have been the reason why he even gave the boy a battle suit; it was to just protect him, nothing more. It wasn't to give him more strength (although granted it had utility in the form of backup weapons), it was purely just to protect the boy from damage.

Although given the boy's nature to want to jump in to save others, and the fact he was willing to go through intensive training from the looks of the boy's current status, he might have to reconsider about the battlesuit giving him just protection.

"Can you get up?" The captain began. In response, the boy attempted to sit up, only to fall back down to the ground while holding his stomach. He didn't let out a groan, but it was soon made clear that his whole body was in pain.

"I'll take that as a no."

Taking his hand out, he waited for the boy to raise his hand to him to grab. The boy, in response to this, slowly but surely, grabbed the captain's hand, who then pulled the boy up and wrapped the arm that the captain pulled to the back of his neck. To ensure the white haired doesn't fall off, he had his other hand wrapped around the back of his waist.

"Let's get to the shower, you smell."

"Right. Right."

The two slowly walked out of the training room with the captain being his crutch. The boy was slowly recovering his stamina once again, but his whole body was in a sense of pain that he only felt whenever he exercised.

He had a decent build, a good grip strength and can withstand recoil easily. This was why he was able to shoot a revolver with one hand, and threw the spear like a javelin, despite it feeling heavy in the hands of a normal person.

But it was due to his recent lack of exercises during the outbreak and the recent turn of events that caused his training and exercises to be somewhat lacking in the muscle building department.

. . . . .

The boy laid himself down, now in new clothes that resembled pyjamas, due to the battlesuit requiring more modifications.

That, and it stunk, so they had to properly clean it alongside his own clothes. The boy himself was given said pyjamas in the meantime, alongside more underwear to sleep through the night comfortably.

"That was tiring. . ." Diake muttered to himself. His muscles were still sore, but it was much more bearable thanks to the shower that he took, as he slowly closed his eyes and attempted to sleep. His consciousness was slowly drifting away from him, until finally, he was asleep.

. . . . .

The boy found himself in a world where everything was empty. All in the world was white and there was no sign of life or even remnants from it.

"What is all this?" Diake said out, but it sounded more like he had thought those words out, as his mouth muscles never moved an inch.

"This is your world," an almost archaic voice echoed throughout the world.

"My. . . World?" Diake asked, unsure of where the source of the voice was.

"This is what happened to the Previous Era. Razed. Disappeared. No one knew what happened to it, but simply knew it as the 'Previous Era'. Humanity were destined to be annihilated should they continue to evolve, and yet, humanity still continued to either fight the threat that their lives are on the line, or are in blissful ignorance of not knowing the true danger of the world outside," the voice told the boy. The boy wanted to move, but either due to his own consciousness or because he was in a restrained shared consciousness, he was unable to.

"This. . . This is not my world. It doesn't look as empty as this," Diake replied, once again, or at least, he thought he was replying.

"It will be soon enough," the voice told the boy. The boy shook his head immediately.

"It won't." His voice bled with determination, as he felt his body being severely heavy.

"Who the hell are you anyway? Why are you in my dreams?" Diake asked.

"Fufufu. I am a Herscherr. What Herscherr I am, I will not tell you."

"Why not?" Diake inquired, as he heard a faint beeping.

"Because we will meet. One way or another." The moment those words were said, the beeping became louder.

. . . . .

Diake opened his eyes, as he immediately sat up. He held his head in confusion, while the beeping continued on. Trying to find the source of the beep, his eyes soon laid sight to a curtain completely closing into a bed near the window. He saw silhouettes behind the curtain, and he could barely make up a small figure on that very bed.

"The mission is successful, it seems," Diake mumbled, as he hopped off of his bed, and casually walked out of the infirmary. As he looked around, he saw no one in the hallways.

He was glad no one was seeing him in his pyjamas at that moment, as he began to walk towards the hub, yawning. He wanted his clothes back, and hoped that the captain was present at that time.

. . . .

Lo and behold, there was the captain, writing away all his paperwork without sighing from tiredness. Normally, anyone would be concerned seeing him do all this work, especially early in the morning, but he seemed relatively fine, as he looked up to the boy, sensing his presence.

"Ah. Diake. Still in your pyjamas?" He asked with an innocent smile.

"That's what I came here for. I wanna wear the battlesuit and the clothes back," Diake replied.

"Yeah, I just had an idea with your battlesuit, actually."

"Hu--you modified it, didn't you?"

"Surely you were liking that priest cosplay you had, so we basically made it so that the battlesuit is that outfit, but with more badass-ish, if you don't mind."

"I see. Where is it?"

A New Human Fighter (A Honkai Impact 3rd Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora