Chapter 27

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A/N: if you guys think me publishing two chapters in one day is overcompensating for something, nah. I did it because I wanna.

After finishing off their drink and a little discussion regarding who was paying the bills (it was Himeko, due to Diake not given any money in the first place), the two set off to get Diake to familiarize himself with the city, just in case if the Captain ever bothered to bring him in for grocery shopping. . . If that ever happened.

Diake questioned why he needed to explore the whole city when they can just tell him the route that leads to the supermarket, but Himeko insisted that it was important, which to Diake sounds like a very weird/lame excuse.

While the boy listened attentively to her words and points of direction, over time he slowly restrained himself on what he wanted to say from his thoughts due to Himeko glossing over the more important places, such as the bank (as he had noticed earlier), and focused more on places that seemed like potential dating spots. This didn't went unnoticed by the boy, who knew why she pointed all those out but kept silent over this due to letting her tour over the area.

He most definitely knew about her having a clear love interest for him, and he wanted to reciprocate it, but he was unsure if a relationship of him with someone who was visibly older than he is was actually allowed. Not helping the fact was that she is also a teacher of St. Freya based on the fact that she told him about Theresa being a brat and taking in Kiana, Mei and Bronya being brats, with the emphasis of that word towards Kiana in particular during their idle conversation at the cafe, causing the boy to sweat drop in response.

'Does she really hate her job?' He thought, before heaving a small sigh.

"Himeko, are you really helping me with this 'exploring the city' sorta thing?" Diake asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep. And over there--" and with that Himeko proceeds to point out a park with a Sakura tree that grew in the middle of it. Admittedly Diake was impressed by the fact that there was a Sakura tree in a park, but he felt that that was unnecessary.

"Wait. . . That tree. . ." The voice in his head said out in the boy's mind, catching him off guard, but he calmed down in a split second.

'Does it remind you of anything?' He thought, his mind solely focused on the information that was about to be told onto him.

"Yes. It does. It reminds me of two women I have met once before, laying under the tree similar to that," the voice told him.

'Really? Who might they be?' Diake thought to the voice.

"One was a woman with the same hair colour as the tree's leaves. The other reminds me of Kiana," the voice replied.

'Wait, how did you know Kiana's na--'

"I went through your memories when you did not notice. Then again, you never had noticed me in the first place," the voice interrupted his train of thought. This somewhat scared the boy, as he soon realized that it can access his memories without a beat and can use against him when the opportunity arises.

"Do not fret. I do not plan to use it against you. I shall remain faithful to help you even on the verge of death," the voice told him. This didn't relieve the boy in a single bit, and the voice noticed this.

"Okay. Fine. I shall be quiet and let you enjoy your date. Is that fine with you?" The voice told him. Slowly, the voice somehow started to sound like him, but he shrugged it off.

'Just don't go through rummaging my head again,' the boy thought, before he was in reality once again, his attention focusing on whatever it was Himeko said, and this time it was an expensive restaurant that Himeko really want to go someday. Hearing this made him sweat drop, and with that he decided that maybe talking it out is a more viable option than having Himeko be his tour guide.

"Himeko, I think it's best we stop for now. There's too much information for me to grasp properly here," Diake told her. He was lying, as he barely took hold of the information Himeko gave him, and he was more worried about the voice probing through his memories, and then a thought came into mind, something that he require an answer from the voice later on.

"Oh, really? Do you want to rest?" Himeko asked with concern in her tone. Diake responded with a nod, and the two soon returned to the park with the Sakura tree in the middle of the park. The two found a bench and sat there, as Diake closed his eyes and heaved a huge sigh.

And now, his question.

'Hey,' Diake thought, as he gave most of his concentration to his thoughts.

"Yes?" The voice slowly turned from it to a he due to the voice becoming almost identical to Diake's, which surprised him, but he suppressed his emotions temporarily.

'You said you went through my memories, didn't you?' He thought.

"I did. Why bother?" The voice replied, before posing a question upon him.

'Well, what's my oldest memory?' Diake asked, hoping that there were the clichés of locked memories existing as he saw in some video games.

"Your oldest seem to be one where you visited one of your uncle's grave who had died from a Yakuza shootout. You seem to be no less than 16," the voice replied.

'No less than 16? That was barely a year ago then,' he thought, before realizing about the memories that he might had.

'Wait is that the ONLY oldest memory I have?!' He thought.

"Unfortunately so. Everything else seem to be you being stoic in school and in your household, as if nothing eventful or fruitful truly occ. . . You have been confessed to once before, eh?' The voice told him.

'I turned it down because I wasn't interested in a relationship,' he thought, sweat dropping.

"And why is that?"

'I had my priorities, and taking care of my sister is high on that list.'

"A sister. That reminds me of something, but I cannot seem to remember it."

'So you have a sister as well?'

"Possibly. I do not know."


"Anyway, I shall leave you with your lover."

'Wait wh--'

Opening his eyes, he noticed that Himeko hugged his left arm, sandwiching his arm between her cleavage. This made the boy somewhat flustered, but not wanting to ruin the moment, he relented and heaved a sigh.

"Are you that interested in me?" Diake asked.

"We're just 10 years apart now, aren't we?"

"And are you that desperate to find someone to be your lover?"

". . . ."

"Heh. Fine then. I'll be one for you."

A New Human Fighter (A Honkai Impact 3rd Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें