chapter 05

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A/N: also dialogue heavy.

"So, you are a survivor of Nagazora City."

"Wait, there were others who survived?"

"I am quite surprised you did not know that, young man."

Diake was now standing in front of the large screen. The screen was full of things that was irrelevant to the male, but the one thing that stood out was the symbol of a Wi-Fi signal, probably to signify the signal's strength in order to have clear communication.

"I'm sorry. I had been stuck in that hellhole for nearly a month so I didn't know there were survivors."

"I can understand that. Anyway, do you know why I want to talk to you?"

"No. I don't. What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Well, it is about Honkai."

Diake went silent, contemplating on the possibilities of what that the man wants.

"Are you still there?"

"Ah yes. Sorry. I was wondering what question you would pose upon me."

"Alright. Do you want to know what caused the Honkai to appear?"

"I do."

"Then I shall proceed to tell you."

There was silence from the other side for a few seconds.

"The Honkai had originated from a supernatural being called a Herscherr. These Herscherrs are half-human and half-Honkai, produced when the Honkai began to appear in this world."

"So the Honkai had been here long before this?"

"No. The day before Nagazora City was hit by the sudden infection, the Honkai had appeared, but no one knew of it yet. At that point, the Honkai had took hold of a young girl, making her their Herscherr. She then began to spread the Honkai throughout the city."

"So these Herscherrs are like parasites?"

"In a way, yes. They take control of their host, and it is highly possible that there are encouraged to kill of their human selves."

"What is their purpose?"

". . . . To end humanity."

The colour on Diake's face began to drain.

"W-what. . . What can these Herscherrs do?" Diake asked, his face showing a look of despair.

"They can do feats no human can achieve. They are able to move through space and time, making them almost impossible to take down. If not for Kiana subduing the Herscherr that had caused Nagazora City, and subsequently the world to crumble bit by bit, the world would crumble even faster, and humanity would possibly become extinct right then and there."

"So, if not for Kiana, all of humanity would be fucked?"

"That is a vulgar word coming from you, but yes. Humanity would die out if not for the help of that young girl."

"I see. I should thank her for saving me then."

"You should. Anyway, there is also something I would like to note. The reason why that girl was able to fight was because of two reasons. One. She was trained by those in St. Freya High. Two. She has high Honkai resistance."

"Honkai resistance?"

"Surely you must wonder why when you were in Nagazora City, you did not turn into those mindless beings?"

Diake began to remember that he didn't turn into a zombie, when the infection hit.

"I never questioned it. All I cared about was staying alive."

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