"No she didn't." Earthpelt chimed in. "Some muttering and whimpering, but other than that I don't think she woke up."

"Hopefully she does soon. I need to ask her how much pain she's in." Owlpaw explained. "But first, I'd like to eat something." Sheer Mountain was quick to respond and brought Owlpaw a sparrow to eat. Owlpaw thanked her and quickly ate the piece of prey. Once she was finished she headed back in to check on Nettle.

She was still sleeping, but her breathing had increased. Owlpaw sniffed her wounds and started to prepare new dressings for her. As she wrapped the wound on her leg, Nettle finally stirred. She let out a low groan and her eyes fluttered open. Owlpaw met her gaze and Nettle opened her mouth.

"Wha--" Her voice was dry. "What happened?"

"You collapsed after you killed Raptor. Sheer Mountain and Earthpelt helped you here, you're in Sheer Mountain's home." Owlpaw explained as she finished wrapping up her wound.

"Her...home?" Nettle's eyes widened. "You actually convinced her to bring me here?"

Owlpaw shook her head. "It was Sheer Mountain's idea."

Nettle stared at her paws. "Even after..."

"You saved my life, Nettle." Owlpaw explained. "That means a lot around here."

"You saved mine, Owlpaw." Nettle looked at her wounds. "And it seems more than once."

"I'll keep treating your new wounds as well as the old one, and it will be easier now that you're here."

"I thought I heard voices." Nettle tensed slightly as Sheer Mountain spoke, Owlpaw looked towards the loner. "Glad to see you awake as well."

"Uh," Nettle cleared her throat. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

Sheer Mountain nodded. "Thank you for saving Owlpaw. I haven't known her for long but I consider her a close friend, as I do the rest of these wild cats. I want to apologize for the way I acted when you and I first met."

"I deserved it." Nettle flattened her ears.

"No, you didn't." Sheer Mountain sat down in front of her nest. "You were scared and injured, you didn't hurt Wren and I shouldn't have blamed you for it."

"Is Wren one of your kits?"

"Kind of." Sheer Mountain purred. "I took in her and her brothers as my own."

"How badly was she hurt?" Nettle's voice showed genuine concern

"Not too badly." Sheer Mountain purred. "Thanks to Owlpaw she's already back up and playing at full speed."

"I'm glad to hear that." Nettle shifted in her nest, she was staring to look more relaxed. "I'm really glad that she wasn't hurt more, I never wanted kits to get hurt."

Sheer Mountain nodded. "Glad to meet a rogue who's not so blood thirsty, and thanks to you I don' have to worry about Raptor anymore." Sheer Mountain stated. "So, you may stay as long as you'd like. Even after your wounds are healed, if you wish to stay you can."

"Thank you, Sheer Mountain." Nettle dipped her head. "That means so much to me. Though I'll try and not overstay my welcome."

"Impossible." Sheer Mountain stepped forward and dipped her head respectfully. "For now, just focus on healing." Owlpaw watched Sheer Mountain walked out of the den.

"She's a very caring cat, isn't she?"

"She is." Owlpaw nodded. She'll be a perfect leader.


"Can you put any pressure on it?" Owlpaw questioned. Nettle stepped placed her injured leg on the ground, wincing slightly as she put more pressure on it.

"A little bit." Nettle said. "It hurts to apply full pressure to it, but I think I can limp around to get prey and to make dirt."

"Good." Owlpaw mewed. "Let's try and take a walk." Owlpaw stayed near Nettle, able to provide support if needed. Nettle limped alongside Owlpaw and they stepped into the main cavern. It was a sunny day, the sky free of any clouds.

Nettle seemed to relish in the sunlight. She had been trapped in the cave for the last quarter moon and she was finally able to get some fresh-air. "It's so nice outside." She purred.

"Good morning, Owlpaw!" Leopardpaw called, trotting up to the two of them. She looked over Nettle. "Good morning, Nettle."

"Good morning, Leopardpaw." Nettle and Owlpaw purred together. During her time in the cave, Nettle had been introduced to each of the Clan cats. The only one who didn't really speak to her was Slatepaw, but they had all explained to her that the only cat Slatepaw really respected was Leafdawn.

Behind Leopardpaw, Berryheart approached. "Good morning!" She called. "It's good to see you walking around, Nettle!"

"It feels good." Nettle replied. "I've been trapped in a nest for so long. I'm not used to being so immobile. I can't wait until I can get out and hunt again."

"Hopefully that's not far off." Owlpaw replied. "You're wounds are healing nicely, and I think I finally kicked that nasty infection."

"I'm in much less pain now." Nettle reported. "Thank you, again, Owlpaw."

"Of course." Owlpaw purred. "The path to recovery should be swift now, as long as you're careful that is."

"I don't plan on fighting anyone anytime soon." Nettle chuckled. Owlpaw took a deep, satisfied breath. Now that I can watch over Nettle from home, and my relationship with Sheer Mountain has been mended, I can focus on my mission. Owlpaw looked to Sheer Mountain who was playing with the kits. She had been wondering what the next part of her mission was, and she believed she knew the answer. I have to tell Sheer Mountain the truth.

Waging War: Book 1: Beyond the Mountains {COMPLETE}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ