Meeting a rose, dragon and a rabbit

Start from the beginning

Ruby: "ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou! Thank you for bringing my mom back!"

I could only pat her back awkwardly as I regained the air in my lungs.

F/N: "N-no problem. Can I get up now?"

Ruby: "O-oh right."

Quickly bouncing to her feet, Ruby started to get a small earful from her mother. I just rubbed my head lightly as a hand was held out in front of me.

Yang: "Need a hand?"

F/N: "Thanks."

Grabbing her hand, Yang hauled me up from the ground. I dusted myself off a bit before Yang brought me into her own hug of gratitude, which was a lot less hyper then her little sister. I didn't really do much cause frankly........ I didn't want to risk touching her hair, which she took notice of.

Yang: "What? No pats?"

F/N: "Ya, your moms told me enough about you and your hair."

She chuckled softly and pulled back.

Yang: "Ya, despite all that you'd done, I'd probably still punch you."

She said in a teasing manner, laced with a bit of genuine seriousness. I chuckle a bit nervously before being broken out of it as a loud roar shook us a bit. People started to scream and run as a massive shadow moved across the ground as massive wing beats sounded above and I remembered something...... I had taken damage.

In a thundering crash, the massive form of Scales landed on the pathway, breaking the stone under his weight. Ruby, Yang and Tai took a defensive stance as Scales let out a loud growl, I could feel the vibration through my spine as he lowered his head to our level.

Tai: "Summer get behind me! Ozpin get-

F/N: "Wait wait hold on!"

Running between my dragon and the group, I wave my arms frantically as I look up into Scales eyes.

F/N: "They're friendly! Friendly! It was just a tackle hug! I'm ok, Scales!"

Tai: "Wait you know this thing!"

F/N: "Ya he's mine!...... so, guys meet Scales. Scales, these are the Rose/Xiao long family."

Scales eyes, that were line like pupils, rounded out as he laid his head in the ground, letting out an exhale that blew out hair back a bit...... and it took all the mental strength I had to not burst out laughing when some snot landed in Ozpin's mug, the sparkle in his eyes fading as he just looked down at his coffee.

Though my attention was brought back to Scales as Ruby slowly walked up to him. He let out a low growl as Ruby looked up at him. Though he was very surprised when she hugged his snoot.

Ruby: "He's so coooooooooool!"

Ruby's eyes sparkled a bit as she looked up at the massive fifty foot dragon in front of her. Letting myself relax a bit, I turned to Ozpin as he just poured his coffee into the grass.

F/N: I'm going to look for the others, just in case someone could get hurt."

Ozpin: "Please do...... we'll watch 'him'."

Ozpin said as he gave the dragon a slight glare. I just turned and ran where Scales had flown over, looking for the rest of my grimm. After a short jog, I found a group of students staring at something, shoving myself through the crowd, I was relieved to see Rexy and trike by a tree, Trike just grazing on the grass calmly..... while Rexy was gnawing on the trunk, digging grooves into the wood.

With a drawn out sigh I walked forward, a couple people told me to get back, but I simply held up my hand to shush them as I made a high pitched whistle. Both of them dropped what they were doing and gave me their full attention as I whistled out a series of commands. The two of them then turned and started to lumber towards where I hand came from.

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