Chapter 12: Kiss of an angel

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Jason's perspective
I open my eyes again, and move to his face slowly. Now this, this is a risk. My hands touch his red cheeks, stroking it softly before kissing him. His eyes widen, but he relaxes into it. I thought he was going to push me away. Or run away. But he didn't. He doesn't. It feels like magic. That's the only way to describe it, to describe what's going on in my head. Holy shit he is hot. Everything about him is so hot. Kissing him is so hot. I put my hand on the back of his neck to play with his hair. I could do this for forever. He stops, and looks into my eyes, as like he's thinking about something. And I'm thinking, this is it. This would be the last time I kissed him. He's already regretting it. But instead he just smiles before going in for another kiss. So. Hot. I wonder what he's thinking right now.

HOLY FUCKS. WHAT AM I DOING? I'M KISSING A BOY. A BOY. A REAL LIFE BOY. AND EVEN BETTER. I'M KISSING JASON! OH my god I'm even worse than Sam. But I like him. I've liked him since the first time I saw him. Since the moment I drowned in his eyes. And I could give it a try? Who says this is for forever? Me. Probably. Hopefully. This is just-woah. I am kissing a boy. Boys are so cool.

Jason's perspective
He keeps smiling. I keep smiling. I've waited for this for so long. I pull him on my lap now, his legs around me. His face is totally flushed. I keep playing with his hair.

Alex' perspective
Oh, don't mind me, kissing this boy.

*A few minutes later* (Please read this as the Spongebob storytell person voice)

Jason's perspective
He's holding my hand now. We're laying next to eachoter, his head on my chest. "Soooo... That was... Fun...?" He says. He's still smiling. I'm still smiling. I giggle. "Yeah. It was." "Sooo..." He looks at me carefully. "Does that mean you wanna maybe... Do that again?" I smile. "Are you asking me if you can kiss me again?" He nods. "I hope you do." I say. "because I'm afraid that if you don't, I'll never know again what it's like to kiss an angel." He rolls his eyes. "Cheesy much, Jezus Christ what was that?" I laugh. "I don't even know, I improvised there for a second." He shakes his head. "Well, never improvise again." But he's still smiling. He looks up and kisses me again. I'm falling so hard for him. "OMG I HAVE AN IDEA!" He suddenly screams. I yelp.

Sometimes he can get really excited and talk really happy and loud all of a sudden. It's cute, knowing him like that, but also scares the shit out of me sometimes. Like right now, when he was just kissing me like I was made of glass, then breaking it and walking all over it with his scream. "CAN I DRAW YOU." He talk-screams. "What?" I ask. "Well, I always wanted to draw you, but I was scared because I didn't know you liked me and I didn't know if you would think I liked you and maybe be mean to me and ignore me and that you wouldn't wanna talk to me again or didn't wanna be friends and would think that I was a creep but can I draw you?" "What the- You really said that in one breath huh?" I ask him, stroking his cheek. His cheeks got red again. Or are still red. He looks down at his feet. "Sorry." I feel bad. "No no! Ofcourse you can draw me! I'm just impressed." His eyes lighten up. "Well, I actually saved my other breath to do this." He kisses me again. How thoughtful. " I smile. "Ah, nice."

He reaches for something on the floor. His sketchbook and a pencil. He gets up, gets a chair from our shared desk and sits down in front of me. And then he just starts drawing me. "Hold still!" He says, being annoyed with me, rolling his eyes." "I am!" I say back. "Can I look?" "You gotta wait." He smiles. I study his face as he studies mine. He looks at me. "What?" He asks. "You're hot." I say. "I know, it's really hot in here, but my other shirts aren't clean-" I roll my eyes. "No I- YOU. YOU are hot you idiot." His eyes widen. "Oh." He gulps. I can't help but laugh. "Besides, if you're being hot, why don't you take your shirt off? I'm not wearing one, I don't want you to melt." He reddens. "I-uh... I- Ok." He hesitates. "You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable tho-" "N-no it's okay." He pulls at his shirt and takes it off. Daaamn. "What." He says again. "Hot." I say again. He just looks at me, annoyed rolling his eyes while keeping on drawing. And being a pepper.

"You know, Sam thinks you should start modelling." He says. "Oh, does he now?" I ask, raising one eyebrow. "Yes." He says. "And I think so too." I look at him teasingly. "And why is that?" "Because. You know you look good." I shake my head. "I'm really not tho. I mean, I don't feel like I am." My words come out more silent than they are supposed to. Alex looks up, concerned. He thinks for a while, then says something silent back. "I know we're not supposed to talk about it, about how you're feeling. But just- just know that we can, I'm always here for you." How does he know it's related? He must've just felt it... He's such a sweet person. I know that there's going to be a time where I have to tell him. I just wished I didn't have to.

Alex' perspective
He stands up and walks towards me. At first I think that he's going to leave again. I really wish so badly that he doesn't leave. But he doesn't. He just walks to me, sits down on my lap, legs pulled around me and hugs me. "Thanks." He says. "I will. I promise I will." I hug him tighter. His voice sounds so small and raw. I know that he left a past. That he left a darkness. And while leaving, he took a part of that darkness with him. Like a cloud of sadness it absorbs him. I was worried about him. I always am, worried about him. Not really for something in his future, but for something in his past. What can be so dark that he can't tell me? Who hurt him this horribly? It made me sad just thinking about it, I want to know. I want to know because I want to somehow make it better. Even if I can't. It scares me for him. But I also know that I have to be patiënt. This is his story to tell. And all I can do is be here for him when he's ready to tell me.

He shows a little smile while going through my hair. I kiss his cheek. "Look, I finished the drawing."

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