Chapter 4: Roommates?!

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Alex's perspective

I get woken up from footsteps, entering my room. The clock shows 3:30 pm. Classes probably ended by now, So I knew Sam was coming to check on me. "Sammy." I grunt, while rubbing my eyes with my palms, sleepily. "You didn't have to come here, I'm fine." I blink my eyes as I try to see the image of my best friend, but everything stays blurry. And instead of his voice, I hear a low, soft voice wich makes me more awake than ever, even without coffee. "Um, h,hi.." He says sheepishly. I jump out of my bed, ready to go in defense in case he was gonna try to kill me.

"W-woah woah woah it's me,...Jason? He says with wide eyes, clearly impressed by my karate moves. I met you today? I-" "Right, Jason." I say, while loosening my fight position. Well this is awkward. It's silent for a few seconds, but as I take a moment to take in what just had happened, I get interrupted. "Nice room." He grins. "Thanks. I respond, before questioning if I am really awake. "No sorry, what is this? Did you follow me or something? How did you even get in? Do you always sneak into people's rooms after you meet them? Is that just something you do?" Smooth. I think. He smiles playfully. "Only for you." He says, following with a wink. I feel my cheeks heat up. Did he just- was he just winking at me or-

"Relax." He says, rolling his eyes. "I was joking. Apparently I'm your new roommate. They gave me a key. "Oh." I say, blinking a few times before really taking the information in. "WAIT WHAT?" His eyes look confused as I basically scream at him. "Nonono this can't be happening!" "Thanks?" He asks confused. "No- I- I- I mean," I stutter. "It's not you, it's just, Sam usually sleeps here most of the times because of his roommate. He's a real jerk. Apart from him i've never really shared my room with anyone." Jason starts smiling. "Sam, the curly boy that was with you this morning, right?" I nod. "He can stay whenever he wants, I understand. He seems cool." "He really is." I smile.

"Well, in that case. Let's start this over." He says, as he holds his hand out to me. I lift an eyebrow in confusion. "Hi. Jason, your new roommate. Sorry for waking you up." I can't help but smile. He's such an idiot. A pretty kind, handsome idiot-okay stop that. I should probably shake his hand right now. I give him my hand, uncomfortably breathing as he doesn't stop locking his eyes into mine. "Alex. Welcome." I say. "I hope you like it here." "In this room here,with you? Or in this school?" He says, not letting go of my hand, still smiling. I look at the ground, starting to think what exactly I meant. This is making me way more uncomfortable than it should. Being an introvert. Love that. "Hmm, both." I say. "But I doubt that you are going to like this school tho, it's a pretty messed up one you chose." "Well, I already met you, so how bad can it really be?"

I feel my face raising it's color from red to dark red. We just stand there, still holding hands. I'm still holding his hand. And he's not letting go. As like we're connected by a magnet. Maybe I forgot what it meant to hold someone's hand. Maybe Jason forgot what it really meant to hold someone's hand. So I make the dumb decision. I turn the magnet around. My hand leaves his. This was getting too weird. I see his facial expression looking reluctant, wich makes me regret my decision immediately. "Hey, Sam and I were going to get some food and watch high school musical togheter. W-wanna come?" I ask. He frowns. Then he just shakes his head and laughs. "Yeah, that's great. I'd like that." I watch him as he puts his bag on his bed, and I follow him out of my room. Our room. I try to swallow most of my anxiety away as I close the door. "Let's go."

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