Chapter 6: Getting to know you

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Alex' perspective

It's dark in the room. Our room. But pecks of sun are already peaking through the blinds. I try seeing his face. Seeing a glance of his shining black hair. He has this wavy hair, wich I am completely jealous of. My hair is just flat. It waves on it's good days, wich means that most of the time it's just completely flat. I hate it. Sam tried curling it one time tho, wich was a disaster. (Let's say I had a burn mark on my ear and his hands were just full of them, and my hair was still flat.) Sam has these beautiful curls. (He says he hates it wich makes me so mad.) He also says I need a perm, but that's not going to happen. He wants to be a hairdresser when he's older, wich he definitly has the talent for. But if you ask him to curl your hair, let it not be with a hair straightener and a pencil, because it hurts. My room is turning brighter now. I can see his face. Wich makes the Butterflies in my stomach wake up and go crazy. I try to look away, but it doesn't work very much. It makes me wanna study his face. I feel creepy, but I just need to draw him some day. His face is so interesting. Jason's eyes are blinking and I think he's saying something. Is he having a nightmare?

On that moment his eyes just jump open, as if he knows I'm watching him. Why was I even watching him? Oh god what's wrong with me? "What are you doing?" He asks sleepily, with an expression that is confused but also curious. "N-Nothing." I say. "I-I just woke up." I lie, clearly been looking at him for 30 minutes. He's going to think I'm a stalker, a creep. And I mean, I can't give him wrong. But instead he just turns his head to his pillow and crushes his face in it with a loud ploof.

"You need new curtains." He says with a whining voice. "W-what?" I ask surprised. "Too.much.light." he murmers. I giggle. It's soft, but quite noticable. "You do know it's 8 in the morning, right?" He says, overly dramatic. "Fun." I reply. FUN? really? Did I just say that? "We're going to IKEA and I'm going to buy you new curtains." "But I like these ones." I say, being dramatic at him back. "I didn't say you can't keep them. In a box. As a memory." He replies. I smile, while he turns to me. "M-morning." I say, blushing as I see his shirtless chest. He clearly finds that amusing. "Morning Alex." He says back. We keep like this for a while. We intend to look at eachoter uncomfortably long if our conversation stops, but it feels nice. Suddenly his face turns more serious. "You do realise we're getting new curtains today right?" He says, but in a more of a teasing way. "Gosh you're such a baby." I reply, rolling my eyes.

He then gets up, and makes his way to the shower, smiling. But turning his head out of the door before closing it. "I expect you to wait at the bus stop at 3. He winks. Okay, so he really isn't kidding. "And bring Sam!" He shouts, before turning on the shower. "Where are you going?" I shout back. "My mom is bringing me my last stuff and wanted to get some food or whatever." Great. I'm going to IKEA.

"SIT STILL!" Sam shouts while hitting my head with a towel. "I can't believe I'm letting you do this."I say, as anxiety was already going through my body. We are in the bathroom, with a tiny cup of white paste in front of us, almost spilling everytime. "SAM, Sam it's burning!" I shout. "IT IS SUPPOSED TO BURN THAT'S WHEN YOU KNOW IT'S WORKING SHUT UP AND LET ME DO MY JOB!" He yells back. I looked at myself in the mirror. This was a bad idea. This was a really really really bad idea.

After Jason left this morning Sam came knocking on my door with a bottle of bleach and toner. For his test he has to bleach someone's hair and get it completely white. And because he has to learn I'm the test subject. Because like, buying a mannequin isn't a thing or something. Wich is fun. I thought white hair was going to be fun. But this shit's burning my head off and as I think of everything that can go wrong, I feel like throwing up. "Okay you can leave this on for 30 minutes." He says.

We didn't know what's else to do, so we decided to watch some high school musical again, to ignore my stress. After 30 minutes the bleach was out and I start to freak out. "MY HAIR IS ORANGE!" I say. "IT'S NORMAL!" He shouts back. "We still have to tone it and bleach it again. "AGAIN?" I ask in shock. "MY HEAD CAN'T TAKE THAT!" "WELL IF YOU WANT IT TO BE WHITE IN ONE DAY WE HAVE TO BLEACH IT AGAIN JEEEEZUS CHRIST YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" He yells back. So we tone it to a nice light blonde, and bleach it again and tone it to a nice white icy blonde.
I look like Jack Frost. "Omg I'm LITERALLY so amazing I did so well!" Sam says with big eyes. "I don't really know if it suits me..." I say, already regretting my decision to dye my hair in the first place. I had never dyed it ever. I can't believe that it looks so healthy still... "Stop whining I like it better than before." Sam rolls his eyes. "Aw thanks." I roll my eyes back at him.

"Oh by the way, Jason and I are going curtain shopping, you coming with?" I ask. Sam's turns at me with fire eyes. "So NOW you're going to buy new ones?! I've been asking for like, what? 3 YEARS?! and NOW you're going to buy new curtains?" I look annoyed at him. "Shut up. You coming with or not?" "Nah I can't, I still have to write a 2 pages task about the beautiful hairstyle I just created, enjoy your date tho." "It's not a date!" I say angrily. I am nervous. I'm going to be alone with Jason for like a whole day and we haven't even really talked to eachoter yet. "I was joking, but you're nervous aren't you?" Sam says serious. "Yeah, you know I'm not really the social type, what if he doesn't like me? Or he hates my hair? Or.." "Your hair?" Sam asks, with a small smirk forming in the edges of his mouth. "It really is a date, isn't it? "No! I don't like him! At least not in that way!" I say, too fast.

My face is turning red now. "I didn't say you liked him Al, altough that would be okay. I'm gay you know."
"I know, I just don't.." but I don't know how to finish that sentence. I know it would be okay if I liked him. I just can't like him. I DON' Sam decides to drop it, while sighing quietly. "Just know that you can always talk to me? About anything. We fight alot but I still love you, you know? You're my best friend. And try to relax a bit. He's going to love you as much as I do. More is impossible so don't hope for that." I smile at him. "Just be yourself, okay? You don't have to be social, just stay Alex. Everything will be fine. If he doesn't like you for who you are then he doesn't deserves your friendship. And as for the hair, he will love it." He adds, while giving me a small wink.

"I love you too Sammy, and thank you" I hug him, while he ruffles my hair. "That's what brothers are for, right?" He says. "Yeah." I say, while smiling and hugging him even tighter. "That's what brothers are for." Sam is right. I need to relax a bit. He's just a person like me. And if he doesn't like me for who I am, then maybe we aren't supposed to be friends? Either way, I'm going to IKEA.

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