Chapter 21: Panic and Lavender

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Trigger warning: This chapter may be hard to read for some people. It's about assault happening on the trip so I wanted to put this here to make sure no one reads it when they don't want to <3 You are loved.

Sam's perspective
The next day we had such a hangover. I didnt see Parker all day, we got split up in groups for our workshops, since he follows sport in our schools and I follow hair and makeup. But that's a good thing, because he looked kind of confused this morning. My head hurts alot, but I still know everything that happened last night. I try not to think about it, because it makes me blush and Alex has pointed that out to me like 5 times already today. He also keeps asking me about Parker. I ate with him today, while Parker spent some time with a new friend he made. A girl named Mel. We all met her and her girlfriend yesterday, they're both really cool.

"So, do you like him?" Alex looks at me. I smile. "No." "You so do, but whatever." I roll my eyes at him. "You're annoying, you know that, right?" He smiles. "You know, I miss this. Just us hanging out." I nod. "Me too. It doesn't mean that I don't like Jason, he's one of our friends and I love him aswell, but still, it's always been the two of us right?" He hugs me. "It's us forever, no boys come inbetween that. No Jasons, no Parkers-" "Hey, stop!" I chuckle. "Just saying... I still don't trust that guy by the way." "He's alright." I smile. "Alriiight." He mocks me. And he's right. I've missed this.

When our day is over, it's already 7 in the evening. I open the tent. Parker looks up at me. "Hey, haven't seen you all day!" I smile. He looks at his pillow. "H- Yeah, hey." I sit down next to him. "So about last night..." "Yeah, I'm sorry I- I was drunk." I nod. "Okay, yeah. Me too. It's okay don't worry." He shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry. It's just, I'm not..." I nod again. "No, I know. Don't worry.

Parker's perspective
I'm such an idiot. What am I doing?

Sam's perspective
I know it didn't mean anything, I told him beforehand. I just wished it did. I'm starting to really... Like him. He hesitates, and puts a hand through my hair. "I- uh... I did mean what I said, though. You looked beautiful. You look- You look beautiful I mean" I sigh. "Why are you doing this to me?" He frowns. "What?" He bites his lip. "You know what you're doing." "Well, what if I do know but I don't really mind it?" I shake my head and smile at him. "Well, I would say that says something about you." "Well, maybe it does." He mumbles. "You're an asshole." I chuckle. He chuckles aswell. We decide to watch a movie. We kept flirting and talking and laughing and he asked if I wanted to share a cherry cola with him. Wich I did.

I get some water. Not because I'm actually thirsty, but because he's not there and I thought about kissing him. Wich is not a good idea, he's not into me. He made that pretty clear. Never a good idea. ME AND MY STUPID HEAD. Why do I always fall for straight guys? I mean, he doesn't look that straight... Wait. I'm not falling for him. Or am I? Do I find his annoying vibe totally hot? Naaahh... Or do I? I shake my head and splash water in my face. Get it together. In that moment the door opens. I jump, expecting it to be him, but it isn't. "Oh, mr. Rios? Hi. What are you doing here? I thought the teachers had different bathroom places." He nods. "Yeah, we do. It's just that I saw you go in here and there was something we do need to talk about..." I frown. "We do?" He nods again. "It's about something, well private." He closes the door. I frown. This is very... Strange. "Well, what's it about?" I ask him, because maybe it's something to do with grades. He comes closer, handing me something. "Well, I just wanted to give you this." I take it and stare at it, wondering where I regcognise it from. He waits. "Open it." When I open there is a poem written in.  "I know you always liked the Shakespeare ones, but I thought writing something myself was a little... Well more personal." He moves closer.  I shake my head, taking it all in, while it all comes back.

I remember getting these letters. But they stopped, so I thought that was it. I thought it was just a stupid joke. I really hope right now, that this is all a stupid joke. Because no fucking way. I shake my head. "This is a joke, right?" He shakes his head and moves closer. "Ofcourse not! I got the hints!" I back away. "What hints? There were no hints! Don't come closer." He takes a step into my direction. "You really liked the poems, Don't you lie and tell me you don't because I saw! I saw how you could not stop talking about them. Why do you even think I got this trip in the first place? To get some alone time with you, like you always wanted..." He goes another step into my direction, and I can't back away anymore, because my back is against the wall."I said stop! You're sick, this is sick! I didn't give you ANY hints. Because there are no hints. You're 50! Your my teacher! You need fucking help-" I want to walk past him, but before I can finish my sentence he pushes me against the wall. I freeze. "Why are you acting this way?" He touches my shoulder. "Do not. Touch me." I repeat. He smiles and moves even closer, trying to kiss me. So I kick him in the balls. And I hope it hurts. He falls to the ground and hisses. "You son of a bitch! No one will ever love you." In the moment he stands up, taking my wrists and trying to kiss me again, the door opens. "Sam, what's taking so-"

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