Chapter 9: About last night

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Alex's perspective

He woke up a few times this night. From nightmares. He kept screaming himself awake. I'm actually so worried about him. I held him. I mean, I am, still. Holding him. Wich is a bit of a surprise, even for me. I'm normally not really comfortable with touching people. But he needs me. I can feel him turn next to me. "Morning." He looks terrible. I mean he still looks handso- good, but in a sort of tired way. A zombie way kinda tired. He smiles weakly. "H-hi." I stutter. I can feel my cheeks heating up. He notices that I'm looking at him and draws his eyebrows in a confused look. "J-just wanted to- never mind, hey are you hungry? I'm hungry let's grab something to eat and go to Sam's."

First he just smiles at me, but as the realisation hits us, we both widen our eyes. "Sam!" He says, suddenly being super awake. "Shit!" I shout. "We totally forgot about him! Wasn't he supposed to sleep here last night?" Jason asks. "Yeah, but he also didn't show up, oh my god what if the football guys did something to him?" "Relax." Jason calms me. "He probably just fell asleep in his room." "He has a sleeping disorder, he barely sleeps." I start fidgetting my hands nervously. "I still think he's fine, we'll just go look." He gets out of bed and mumbles something under his breath that is probably 'give me a minute' (wich takes him longer than a minute, atleast 5) and comes out of the bathroom in a hoody and jogging pants.

As we leave our room I try not to really pay much attention to him. But damn, even in that outfit he just looks straight out of a modelling commercial. We walj through the large halls, with every step we take, my nervousness growing. He notices that I'm walking faster and pauses, taking me softly by the shoulders. I'm startled at the sudden movement and jump a little. "Hey." He says. "Hey." I say back. "Pause for a second and take a deep breath. He's going to be fine." He shakes my shoulders a little in a playful way. I smile weakly. "I know, it's just... He's like my brother." "I know. Come on, we'll find him." He reassured me. As we walk again he hooks his pinky through mine, sort of connecting them. All I can do is stare at the floor. "Cute." He mumbles, as I see him stare at me from the corner of my eyes. Then last night hit me.

"So, are we not going to talk about last night?" The smile dissapeares. We're standing in front of Sam and Parker's room now. "Later. I promise" He says softly. His eyes go sad and he tries to shake the feeling of. I can tell. He tried that last night too. Before I held him... So I just regret asking and nod. He knocks. Parker opens the door, rolling his eyes as far as he can the moment he sees us. "You guys again. The hell do you want?" I gulp. "S-Sam? Wh-where is- he?" "The fuck should I know?" Parker says irritated. "You're sort of his roommate?" Jason says. "Yeah and in case you didn't notice, we're sort of no friends. So if you don't mind-"

Parker wants to close the door, but Jason holds it with his foot. "We do mind." "Please just leave me alone. I'm still tired from yesterday's game. I don't know where he is." I sigh. "Where the hell is he? I'm getting really worried." I tell Jason. Jason removes his foot. Parker wants to close the door, but leans back at us, a bit hesitating. "I saw him yesterday talking with one of the players from the other team. He probably went with him. More I don't know." He says it silently. Looking at the floor and there is something different about it. Something softer. Wich can be my imagination. There's nothing soft about him. Asshole. He closes the door and we just stand there, in silence. "Soo... Sam is hooking up with a hot football player while we went full on Dora the explorer on him?" Jason says, as he tries to take it in. "Jup." I say, blankly. He stares at me so I stare back. We start laughing.

A comfortable silence starts to take over, before footsteps approach. We turn our heads. A smile. Curls. Sam. He walks at us excitedly. "Hey!" On that moment his eyes turn big. "Shit!" I was supposed to tell you, I-" "Made out with a hot football player?" I finish the sentence for him. "Yeah, we know, your ray of sunshine of a roommate just told us." He blushes a bit. "Yes! Sorry sorry! Next time i'll tell you beforehand!" "It's okay, but please do next time. I thought Parker did something to you." I say, being concerned but also happy for my friend. "Oh let him fucking try. I'll kick him. Right in the balls. He demonstrates it into the air. "I'm sure if the air got balls he would be in pain right now." Jason laughs. Sammy just smiles and nods in agreement. "So, did you two have fun?" He asks us. And I pretend to not see the wink at the end of that sentence. "Yeah, it was fun." Jason smiles. "Well, well." Sam says with a funny grin. "What's that supposed to mean?" I say irritated. "Nothing."

Sam's perspective

They totally made out last night.

Alex's perspective

Sam and I are sitting on my bed. We're back in my room now and I've ordered a large pizza with extra cheese. Normally we would eat from the school cafetaria, but on weekends you can also get food out of the school. And since we're too lazy most of the times, we call a delivery person. Let's say Lorenzo (the pizza delivery guy) knows us pretty well. Jason went to the store to get some drinks, so Sam and I have some time alone now. "So, camp rock 1 or 2?" He asks, as he tries to open the dvd player. ( Yes I know, barely anyone uses that anymore, but I do. I like how it's more stable than some illegal website. And most of the times we watch tv in Sam's room anyway.) He curses under his breath as the tv screen shows connection failure. "You and that stupid dvd player. "You have one too." I laugh in my defense. "Yeah, but like, mine actually works. Mine isn't from the stone age. I hope Jason can fix this thing." Jason. A smile on my face grows wider as I think about yesterday. It was a good day. I loved talking to him, felt comfortable with him. And I don't get that with a lot of people. The way he rested against me on the bus, how he held my hand. I like how he is. I like how I am when I'm with him. Shit, I think I might like him. Like, really like him. "I'm gay." Sam stops cursing at the dvd player and turns around to look at me. "What?"

The pretty boy from the song (Boyxboy) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz