Chapter 14: Parker

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Sam's perspective
They're so cute together, I love this for him. I knew it, I knew he was gay. I never told him that ofcourse, he needed to find out on his own time. He never talked about girls with me, and I swear he checked some of the guys out a couple of times when they were playing shirtless on the field. Boys kicking balls. Sounds not so straight anymore huh? Anyways.

My thoughts are rudely interrupted by a voice that belongs to one of the most annoying creatures in the universe: Parker. He's laughing at something.
"Yea what's wrong with you, Alex? You're really doing that all kind of the rainbow colors on your face right now. Don't tell me that you're really gay too, oh shit. I was joking, you know, when I called you gay." Parker's friend Dean is talking. "I guess repeating something alot of times does make it true." I look up. This time Parker mumbles to us. "Yea you sure it works? Because I can add something about your dick but I won't." I snark. He looks mad at me, but before he can say something the teacher walks in. Parker is sitting one chair in front of me, and he leans his chair to me. (It wasn't my decision for him to sit there! The teacher chose our seats!) He whispers. "You're gonna regret that one." I raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, is that a threat?" He smiles. And I'm not even concerned in the slightest. He won't hurt me, he never has. At that moment the teacher tells us to start our test.

I decide to go to sleep early, since we didn't have school tommorow and I want to make sure I start the day early. I'm really trying to become a morning person, the day is just longer if you're up early. Wich is hard, since I have really bad sleep insomnia. It's late at night, and Parker just got home. He slams the door shut. "Hey I know it's weekend tommorow, but that doesn't mean that you can just disturb my silence like that" I sigh at him dramatically. "Oh. Sorry." His voice sounds soft and shaky." He never says sorry... Wait.. Is he.. Crying? "Are you crying?" I ask him. "Oh fuck off." He tells me, but without anger this time. It doesn't sound the same, and all of a sudden I want it to be. I want him to yell at me and be angry, this feels awfully unfamiliar. I turn on the small light next to my bed. He IS crying. And he's drunk. I've only seen him crying once before, When his grandpa died. I didn't argue with him at that time, I tried to just stay out of his way. "Hey." I say. "It doesn't matter how much you dislike me, we've been roommates for years. I know you only cry when things are really bad and.." He sighs. "It's just my dad. We had an argument and..." He stops. "Not even sure why I'm telling you this." He laughs weakly. I shake my head. "Doesn't matter. I focus my eyes on his. Then my face falls on his cheek. Wait.. It's really dark still with the little light, but I think I can see blood. "Oh god, Parker... What did he do?"

He sniffs and moves his shoulders. I try to touch his cheek, but he doesn't let me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks me. "I was just going to look.." I say softly. I stand up and turn on the real light. When I see his face I freeze. Then I realise that he's actually hurt, as in he moves strangely. and it's not just the alcohol. "Oh honey what did he do to you?" I ask him. "What- Don't call me that-" "Ok ok I won't, was just trying to lighten the mood." "Ok, but can you like, stop being gay for one second?" I blink at him. "Well, can you stop being a bitch for one second? Jesus christ I'm trying to help you, if you want to make out just say so." He grins at that. I can't help to smile a little back at him.

Parker can be an asshole. I mean, he is an asshole. But I've also known him for years. He has been my roommate for years. The things he says are just to keep his image up, and I know that. Not that that makes it fine, he s still a dick. But that doesn't mean that he has zero feelings. But wouldn't you know. Parker is capable of laughing at a gay joke. Parker is also still very hurt. Oh shit.

"I'm just gonna go to sleep..." He tells me softly. I frown at him. "You're what? No you're not, Parker we're going to get you to an ER.." He shakes his head. "Nah I'm fine actually, like I'm so fine! Tommorow you won't see anything of this!" He sits on his bed and grimaces, as he's clearly in a lot of pain. "Seriously, how much did you drink?" I ask him. "Why, can you tell?" He looks shocked. "You smell like you washed your clothes in beer and your words dance when you say them. So, you sound.. Like pretty much every cishet dad over the age of 40..." "Oh no that's no good, could that be the reason miss Rose was giving me eyes in the hall?" My eyes widen. "Miss Rose saw you?? Wait, why was she still up, it's like 1.."

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