Chapter 7: Getting to know you part 2

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Alex' perspective

Here I am, standing at the bus stop. 3:01. Jezus. He is late. Okay maybe just one minute, but he's still late. I hate waiting. And I hate this hair. It was a stupid idea. Just like this da-shopping day. Ha, how ridiculous of my brain to transform this to a date for a second. Really didn't make me even more confused at all. Here I am, talking to myself, considering going home and locking myself in for the rest of the day. And I almost was, until I changed my mind. When I see him. He's walking up to me. His smile is brighter than the sun. Well, not brighter, that's impossible, but just bright. My heart starts pounding faster and I can't control the redness of my cheeks. Fucking hell. "Hey!" He says as he put his hand on my shoulder, akwardly sort of patting it like a greeting. "H-Hey." I say back, smiling. "You haven't changed your mind, have you?" He frowns. "Well, do I have a choice?" I roll my eyes at him, trying my best to look as annoyed as possible, but the smile on my face keeps ruïning that. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything about my hair yet. He probably didn't notice. Hopefully. "Oh, the bus is here." He says, turning around and getting in first. Wait, is he looking at me? Like? Really looking looking? Nevermind I think with a sigh, while getting in too.

We search for a seat and eventually take a 2-seat, sitting uncomfortably close to eachoter. Great. There aren't many people on the bus, wich is good, since it's a 30 minute drive. "Why didn't we just buy some curtains online?" I say, as it only now occurred to me. "We're literally going to the farrest place in our area." "Because." He smiles. "This is way more fun." Giving me a small wink. I turn to the window. I feel my cheeks heat up again. Jezus Christ control yourself, I think to myself. He giggles softly, then takes my hand and squeezes it gently. SDKDDKNDJWJ. I don't wanna leave his hand, but I can't look at him. I can feel him come closer to me. His breath touches my ear. "I love the new hair by the way." He whispers. "Looks cute." I smile and close my eyes. I'm never going to get off this bus ever again.

Jason's perspective

We arrive at IKEA. I didn't think he'd actually go with me, but I'm glad he did. He looks so good. We're walking through all the different kitchens and he's telling me stories, of the people who live there, made up families who celebrate holdidays together and grow up together. I held his hand on the bus. I wanted to see if he'd break. But it had also a really high risk. He's my roommate. Since like yesterday. Jezus how did I even fall in love with him that quickly? I think it's his eyes. Was this what I was feeling? Love? I don't even know him. And what if he doesn't like me that way? Or what if he'd hit me? Wouldn't be the first time someone did that. But he's different. He's just, Alex. You ever meet someone and you just, know? Just know that they are the person for you? I have to give it a chance. I'm so happy to be here with him, to get to know him better.

"Hey, what if we go and get something to eat first?" I say. "S-sure" Alex smiles. We walk to the food place, and as I look at Alex I notice something. Is he actually nervous? He keeps moving his hands and he is blushing again. "Hey." I smile and pause for a second. "Hey." He says back, looking confused. "So, I just noticed something and tell me if I'm wrong, but I feel like you're nervous. You shouldn't be, I think you're really cool." His eyes widen. "WHAT?" His voice jumps into a high pitch while he says that and I can't help but giggle. He coughs it away. "I meant-What? N-no I'm not." "Okay. " I answer. "Okay" He says back. A smile. So. cute.

We both take an apple muffin and something to drink- He takes a cherry smoothie and I take a strawberry one. And we sit. He looks a lot calmer right now. I feel like he always tends to redden a level up when I look at him for too long, so I stop before he notices that I'm doing it on purpose. Well, it's actually not like I do it on purpose, I don't wanna make him uncomfortable. I just love how he only does that when I pay attention to him. I just can't help it. He's so fascinating, if that makes Sense. "So." I say. "So.." He repeats. "What's your story?" I ask. "What do you mean?" "Well, how did you get in that boarding school? For example. What do you like? Are you and Sam dating?" I couldn't help but ask the last question. I already regret it. He laughs. "Woah, okay one question at a time." He says. "I got there because my parents got bored of me. Wich is fine- because I already see you looking at me like you're sorry for me. It really is, fine. I don't need them, and I'm much better off here. Well I mean not here, in the boarding school. And I like music and drawing." I wait for the last question to be answered. "Oh and no, me and Sam aren't dating. Im straight." I feel my smile falling. OH no.

Alex' perspective
Yup. So straight.

Jason's perspective
Straight? I try to hide my dissapointement. Just friends, then? I'm not sure if I can do that. I feel something. And I'm sure that he feels it too. "So what's your story?" He asks me. "Hmm?" My thoughts disrupt his question. "What's your story?" He asks again. "How did you get here? What do you like? Dating someone?" "Oh." I say. Shit. He can't know about my past. And altough I really want to tell someone, I just can't tell. I just met the guy. And it's not like I could tell anyone. Ever. "I decided to come here. And I like music and writing, photography. And no, I'm not dating anyone." I smile. "Wait, you decided to come to this school? By yourself? You made that descision?" He looks shocked. "Y-yeah.." I don't look very convincing. I see that on his face. But I just can't.

"Okay." He just smiles, like he doesn't want to make me say the real reason, altough I know he knows I was lying. Wich makes me feel bad, he just opened up about himself, I should be able to do that too. The rest of our little food date goes by fast, we just talk about alot of stuff. He really likes photography too, and we actually have alot of other things in common. He tells me he was diagnosed with anxiety a few years ago and I tell him about my panic attacks. He has them too. Before we know it's 05:00 and we still haven't found any curtains. So we go for a walk, searching for them. When we find them I can't help but study Alex' face. He is so fucking beautiful.

He's holding purple ones. "What do you think of these?" He says. "Beautiful." I say, not leaving Alex' face. I'm talking about him. Him, him, him, him. He notices. And ofcourse blushes again. "It's my favorite colour." I say. "Purple?" He asks. "No. Red." I reply. "Oh." He says. "Well, purple is MY favorite color so if I can't keep my old yellow ones can I at least keep these?" He teases. "I can't believe you had yellow curtains." "I can't believe you dragged me to IKEA." "But it's fun isn't it?" I ask. "Yeah, it really is."

We just stand there, looking at eachoter. With his beautiful, beautiful eyes. I have an idea. My lips curl into a devious smile. He looks up at me. A litte bit of worry taking over his face. "You're planning something." He says. "Come on!" I take his hand and start running. People are looking like we are crazy when we go past them. "Where are we going?" He giggles. "You'll see." We keep running and I stop by the big kingsize beds. "What are we doing here?" He asks, before I jump in one of the biggest ones. His eyes widen. "Did you know, that it's not illegal to take a nap in these?" I say. "I really needed that information, didn't I? He says. He's still smiling. I love his smile.

"Come lay next to me." I say. This is a challenge. "Wh-what?" "Yeah you." I repeat, looking at him playfully. "I'm not going to lay down in an IKEA bed." He says. "Why not?" "Because these are for sale! What if I fall?" "Then you'll be hurt." I say back. He rolls his eyes. "Okay but what if I ate a Hamburger and I spilled-" "Alex what are you even going on about? You're not even eating a hamburger and if you'd fall out of it the bed wouldn't be hurt, you would. Now come on and lay down with me." "No." "I DARE you to lay down. I Mean, if you're not scared to lay next to me." I said. "I'M NOT! IT'S BECAUSE OF THE FALLING AND STUFF!" He says, in a defense.

He's heating up. Again. Damn maybe I should call him pepper boy. He sure is as hot and red as a Jalapeño Pepper. "I don't believe you." I say. "Well, believe me." He says back. Just another minute and he's going to faint, I think. "Prove it." He gulps. He looks really concentrated, thinks for a moment, then lays down next to me. "Told you I'm not scared." "Well, I am." I say. He looks at me. "Why?" He whispers. "Because there's security standing behind us." His eyes widen, as he jumps. I can't help but to burst into laughter. "OH YEAH REAL FUNNY." He says with and irritated look. "I pranked you, I'm a little bit of a prankster." I tease him. He rolls his eyes at me. And there he is, on the floor. "I told you I would fall out." He says. "You actually did." I say, laughing even more. He pouts. "You're a jerk." "Oh am I? Well I'm not the one that just fell out of the bed soo..." A soft punch at the side of my stomach. "Come on, we should go." He says.

We're back on the bus. I check my watch. It's 07:15 PM already. I had a really fun time. And I can tell he did too, as he couldn't help but to smile the entire time. Wich was adorable. He is adorable. The bus is full, wich isn't a surprise really, as it's a Saturday evening. We have to stand up. I don't really mind though, standing close to Alex was a win. I can tell he's feeling uncomfortable by the amount of people, so I grab his hand lightly.

A few stops before our stop people get out, wich makes a few seats available. He and I take a 2-sit. I watch him as he studies the green hills we pass, the blue sky. And I study him, as his eyes close. After a while he falls asleep. With the purple curtains holding close to him. Pepper boy got his purple curtains. And I want him. I want him so much.

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