Chapter 2: The boy from the song

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Jason's perspective
Crap. This school is even bigger on the inside. Kinda reminds me of the Tardis from 'Doctor Who'. How am I ever going to find my way around here? "Okay, just need to find the principal's office." My mom mumbles. "Maybe we could ask? Instead of just standing there like you just discovered meaning of life, Jason? Come on keep up will you?" She says annoyed. I sigh, but decide to just listen to her. There aren't a lot of people in the hallway, but the few that are here are too much. They are all looking at us like we came from a different world. And it annoys me. People annoy me. I look in front of me and see my mother walking to two students. Oh god.

"Excuse me boys." She says. "Do you know by any change were we could find the principal's office? My son here, is new so we are a bit lost in this building. Jason? Jason are you kidding me? Come say hi! How are you ever going to make friends like this, even a plant moves more than you." I roll my eyes at her, being shocked as she has just compared me to a plant, but decide to join the conversation. One of the boys, the smaller one, tries not to laugh and the other one is probably redder than the colour red itself. Cute.

Alex's perspective
The new boy is smiling at me. Why does it feel like my cheeks are on fire? Shit. I probably look ridiculous. Oh gosh this is so akward. Why do I even care he's just a boy. And also, HE IS a boy. Why is my stomach doing that? I don't like the way he makes me feel. Shit. He probably thinks im a weirdo. Act.the.fuck.normal.

Jason's perspective
The smaller boy shows a wide smile and gives me a hand. "Hi, I'm Sam. Nice to meet you!" He says. "Hi, Jason." I say. His eyes widen. "Jason? Like the song!" I draw my eyebrows in a confused look. "The song?" I ask. "From the song 'Jason'! I love that song!" He says, excitedly. My face is still drawn in confusion. "Jason?Bonnie Parker? Helloo? You're like,, him. The pretty boy from the s-AUW!" But before he can finish his sentence, he got poked in the arm by the other boy's elbow. "What was that for? I only said he was pretty! Jezus christ your elbow is sharper than Miss Weasel's nose!" He talk-whispers. I don't think he understands how to whisper properly. I smile, trying to hide my blushing. I'm here for 5 minutes and I'm already pretty. Nice.
I clear my throat, giving the other boy a hand. "Jason." I say. He looks into my eyes for a few seconds, then looks away to the floor, turning even more red. "Alex." He says, with a soft voice that could go unnoticed if you didn't pay attention enough. But I did. Just as I pay enough attention to see his beautiful light brown eyes.

"Anyways," Sam says. The principal's office is down the hall on your left, it has a big blue door so you can't miss it." "Thank you! "We have to go now, we're already late because of him." My mother says, looking irritated in my direction. Unbelievable. "Bye boys!" She shouts, before turning around. "See you around Jason!" Sam says, still smiling at me." Alex is still looking at the floor, still being a tomato. Is he blushing? Was I making him blushy? Or is his face naturally this colour? I give them a small smile before following my mother, hearing them argue about something. Interesting people.

"So, those boys were nice." My mom says, before knocking on the principal's door. I smile, thinking about the beautiful brown eyes again. "Yeah, yeah they were."

Sam's perspective

Alex's perspective
I couldn't look into his eyes longer than 3 seconds. Because if I did, I probably would have drowned in them. Those deep blue eyes with tints of grey were like an ocean. And I was drowning in them. Why do I feel this way? Get your act togheter. They were just eyes. On a body of a god. O my god just stop already. I'm probably just tired. I haven't really had a good night rest in a few days. Yeah, that's it. I just need some sleep.

"Hey Sammy?" I say. "Im gonna head to my room, I'm not feeling well. "Are you okay?" His eyes look worried. "Yeah, I'm fine, just need some rest. Will you tell Mr. Rios?" Sam nods.

Mr. Rios is our Spanish teacher. He is our last teacher on Monday and a pretty chill person if you compare him to other teachers in our school. He doesn't really care about anything that happens at school, but he likes Sam and I. I think it is because we aren't football addicted bullies, but according to Sam he's in love with him. Sam's been getting notes in his locker these past 3 weeks. Poems, always from Shakespeare. He's convinced they are from Mr. Rios, because he had us translate a Shakespeare poem in Spanish once. And after that he started getting the notes. I think it's utter bullshit. It's probably one of the students at our school. (I just hope it isn't meant as some sort of sick joke, as most of our school students aren't really lgbt+ friendly.)

Other than Mr. Rios, the only nice teacher is Mr. Stanley. His last name isn't actually Stanley, It's Diore. But he prefers us to call him by his first name, makes him feel less old he says. (Altough he is half of Mr. Rios' age and literally only 25.) Sam sometimes still calls him Mr. Diore, because he likes how "attractive it sounds". (He also won't shut up about how attractive he thinks Mr. Stanley himself is.)

My legs start to hurt as I walk the long stairs to my room. Our dormitory (we call it the sleep house) counts 10 floors. And I'm on the 9th floor. This is why we need an elevator.

Our principal hates elevators. "Walking is good for your health." He would say. "Keeps you in a good condition for football." I don't think he gets that not all boys play football. He actually thinks it's a religion. (He literally wrote that in the school's rule book, no kidding.) Im almost at my door now. I go to an all boys school, having a room for myself. Wich is pretty cool. In our first year of coming here you get a roommate assigned, and you have to stay with that roommate until you leave school. But because our year was uneven, I got my room for myself. In our first year we begged our principal to let Sam and me share a room. His roommate, Parker, is an utter asshole. But because the Principal thought it would be great to "make some new friends" and "expand your horizon" (whatever the hell that means) we couldn't. (I'm pretty sure the principal's on some kind of drugs.) So Sam crashes in my room sometimes. (Mostly when the football team decides to hold a meeting and for some reason Parker, being one of the football players, always invites them there. try putting 12 people in a 2 persons bedroom. On second thought, don't try that.) It's not like he's far away from me anway, him and Parker sleep on the other side of the hall, same floor. Sam and I used to have Walkietalkies.

As soon as I open my door I lay down and close my eyes. But as much as I tried sleeping, Jason wouldn't leave my mind. Why did he have to be so handso- mysterious? And why am I still thinking about him? "The boy from the song. The pretty boy from the song." I think, and fall asleep.

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