Chapter 25: Caught

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Parker's perspective
Sam and I have been kissing alot since after our date. Like, alot alot. Since it's the weekend (we had a week extra off too because of our trip) and vacation starts next week, we decided to just stay in for the rest of the week and watch some movies. Next Monday I'm going to my mom for the break. I'll miss him. "Oh he's so hot." Sam giggles, as he points to Keanu Reeves. I nudge his shoulder jokingly. "Oh, fuck off, you find all of them hot." He chuckles at that. "All of them what?"
"Guys." I roll my eyes. He subtly tugs at my shirt. "Well, not all of them."
"Okay, name one."

He thinks for a long time, wich makes me laugh.
"Okay I have one. YOU if you don't shut up."
"Alright." I take his shirt and pull him under me, kissing him.
"Hmm." I say, as he catches his breath.
"Shut up." He says, as he rolls me over and takes my hoodie and pins me down, pinning my arms on our matresses. His hands grab my hair as I kiss his neck, then his lips again.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, his face red and his breath panting.
"Y-Yeah. Yeah- Are you?" I think I'm just as red and out of breath.

He smiles at me, nodding playfully.
"Yeah." He kisses me again, and I bite his lip. I love doing that, because it makes him want to kiss me more, I think. I say that because he does. And also because it's just so incredibly hot. He gives me one last kiss, then pulls me away. "Come on, let's grab something to eat. We can get our boys too." He means Alex and Jason.

After our date me and Jason talked for a bit. I just needed someone to talk to.

"So, how was the date?" Jason looks at me, smiling. "Yeah, no um it went really well."
"You find it hard talking about things like this, right?"
I shake my head, groaning. "Yeah! Yeah- I know- that's bad right? I feel so bad for doing that but I don't know I JUST- I don't know."
Jason motions with his hands to take a breath. I do. "That's totally fine, Parker. It IS hard. I sigh. "Does it ever stop being hard?"

I nervously crack my knuckles. "It does. Believe me, it does. You just have a lot of internalisation going on that you need to work on- in your own time. But that's the only way to feel more free." I sigh. "Yeah, but that's easier said than done. Like- what does that mean? How does someone do that? And like- How do I know what I want? Or what he wants?" He chuckles. "Well- You can start by just asking him how he feels. And by just following your heart." "You sound like teen romcom."
He chuckles. "You're welcome you asshole."
I chuckle too. "Sorry."

He hesitates. "mkay. Let's do this excercise."
I frown. "Hmm?"
"Alright, let's start with talking about Sam. I want you to tell me anything you want. Or from your date for example. Just tell me what you felt and what scared you and what you like about him. If you keep talking you'll eventually start telling the truth and you'll feel so much lighter."
"I thought you wanted us to be closer." He sighs dramatically.
I chuckle. "Yeah but this is stupid."
"I know what you are but what am I?"

I sigh. He's so annoying. I love that.
"Alright. You go first."
"But I'm not in love with Sam."
He laughs again.
"I know I know. Alright, I'll go first. So, the first thing I noticed about Alex were his beautiful eyes. He didn't say much- just turned red all the time wich- for some reason made me like him even more. The moment I realised that I started to really feel attracted to him was in Ikea, when we laid in a bed together. I don't know- He just looked so beautiful and- Well I don't know. It kind of freaked me out, because I knew I liked boys too, but I had only been in a relationship once before, with a girl. The moment I knew I loved him was when we were camping and I told him something really traumatising and he held me and I felt safe. And he still saw me. He gave me the courage to come out with it."

The pretty boy from the song (Boyxboy) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ