chapter eight

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willow's pov

last night i got back to the penthouse and started bawling. i had to say goodbye to effie and haymitch that night. i was leaving with mason to the arena in the morning.

i hugged effie and she rubbed my back. "you're going to be okay. i know it." i hear her say. i release her from the hug and look at her. shes crying. i hug haymitch next. "stay alive, sweetheart." those words stay with me up until now.

we arrived in the arena after about 1 hour and 30 minutes in that aircraft. they injected me with the tracker once i got inside. mason and i walked into this underground room.

there was clothes hanged on this shelf and combat boots under them. mason passed it to me and i put on the clothes and shoes. white camo pants with a black belt and a black t shirt. "i'll put the jacket on you before you go up. let's eat first." he says.

once we finish eating the words i hear makes my heart skip a beat. "10 minutes to launch." i let out a shaky breath as mason grabs the jacket from the coat hanger.

"it radiates your body temperature so it should keep you warm. by the jacket, i'm guessing it's somewhere cold." i nod as he puts the jacket on me. it's a black winter jacket. it stops right under my hips. the hood has white fur at the edges.

the inside of the jacket is warm and fuzzy. it has a soft texture like a blanket. i see mason reach into his pocket when he finishes zipping up the jacket. he pulls out my mother's necklace. i remember he took it off of me the day of the tribute parade. it needed to get evaluated.

"the necklace was an easy pass." he says as he places it around my neck. "i'm glad" i say. he tucks the necklace into my jacket so it can't swing around.

it doesn't feel like much time has passed but enough time has passed for me to hear, "five minutes to launch." i look at mason scared. "just relax. remember, in and out. avoid fighting so you don't get dragged into the bloodbath. get the items and go." he tells me.

i nod. soon i hear "one minute to launch". he puts his hands on my shoulders. "i cant bet but if i could, i'd bet on you." he tells me. i give him a small smile.

"30 seconds to launch."

"remember. in and out. get to high ground. find water. those are your main goals."

"10 seconds to launch"

he leads me over to this cylinder.

"5 seconds to launch"

the cylinder starts closing around me. i count the last 5 seconds in my head.

2 seconds. "be brave" i see him mouth. i nod and let out a deep breath. i'm elevated into the arena. both ivy and finn are 2 pedestals away from me on my left and right.

i let out a breath and see a smoke come out of my mouth. i look around me and see mountains. before you can get to the mountains, it's a pine tree forest. the trees are covered in snow and so is the ground.

i look to the cornucopia. deep inside i can see all types of weapons. i keep my eye on the trident, the axe, and the bow and arrows. i then look at the backpacks scattered all around.

i'll go in for the weapons and grab backpacks on my way out. i look at ivy then to finn. they look at me and i point to the west of the arena which is closest to us. they both nod and set a running position in that direction. i look at the countdown. 10 seconds.

when it reaches 7 seconds, i hear something about 6 pedestals to my right. it wasn't the gong that symbolizes the beginning of the games. it was an explosion followed by a cannonball. piper from district 6 was blown sky high.

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