chapter four

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willow's pov

my prep team had given me an ombré of red, orange, and yellow for my eyeshadow and added black right under my eyebrows. my lips had been about the same thing. the are where my upper lip and lower lip meet had yellow and it faded to orange and then to dark red as it went out. i had a light amount of red blush so it didn't show much.

i didn't pay attention to whatever else was on my face because i honestly didn't know what it was. it wasn't obvious on my face though. it just finalized the look if that makes sense.

i walked into the area where all the chariots were and saw the rest of the tributes. i see will. he has black pants. they kind of look shimmery. he has a red button up shirt on and a black jacket over it. the jacket has the same shimmer the pants do.

i ignore him when i see ivy. she walks up to me and hugs me. "i cant believe we got chosen for these stupid games. also, you look stunning. i'm a freaking tree." she said.

i laugh. i noticed that the outfit was almost the same as johanna's from the quarter quell but they had given her a black dress instead of whatever johanna wore. ivy was still wearing the green bodysuit under it.

finn approaches us and i run up to him and give him a hug. i soon acknowledge what he's wearing and i burst out laughing. "why on earth are you half naked" ivy says laughing.

"it's what my dad wore for the quarter quell! i cant do anything about it." he says.

i calm down and look at him. "you look absolutely ridiculous and you're making me uncomfortable so i'm going to need you to walk away."

"wow" he says, extending the o. "it doesn't matter anyway, the parade is about to start. i'll see you two afterwards." he says walking away.

"ivy!" i hear her mentor yell.

i see ivy roll her eyes. "she is getting on my last nerve. i'll see you after the parade." she says waking away.

i walk to my chariot and walk up to the horse. the horse is completely black but he's absolutely beautiful. i pet the horse and i say, "let's do this."

i get onto the chariot and will soon gets up next to me. "you ready?" he asks me. "ready as i'll ever be." i say. mason comes up to me handing me this button thing. "press it when you're ready" he says. i nod. haymitch comes behind him and says, "you look beautiful, sweetheart." he says to me. he then looks at both will and i, "smile and wave, maybe blow some kisses to the audience."

i nod at haymitch. that's when i feel the chariot start to move. i almost lose my balance but catch it quickly when i see district 1's chariot going out the doors. i look over at will who's holding on to the chariot for dear life. "you okay?" i ask him. he just nods.

once our chariot is in view and out of the doors i smile and wave at everyone. i can hear my name being yelled everywhere. that's when i remember the button. i press it and fire lights up my dress and will's outfit. my heart skips a beat before i remember it's fake.

ashes arise from the fire and land on the top of my dress. the ashes add these small gems to the top of the dress and scatter them so it doesn't overfill the top too much. the ashes from will's fire add the same small gems on the lapel of his jacket. people notice the fire and start yelling at the top of their lungs.

i see a rose flying at me and i catch it. i blow a kiss in the direction it came from and i can see a few capitol citizens in that direction pretend to catch it. i hear will say, "you're good at this." i look over at him and he's smiling at the audience. "you gotta do what you gotta do." i say turning back to the audience on my side. a few more roses get thrown and they either land in the chariot or i catch them before they can hit me.

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