chapter one

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katniss mellark's pov

i can't believe it's been 25 years since the last hunger games. it still brings peeta and i so much trauma but it's not like how it used to be. the nightmares come on rare occasions and we aren't scared anymore. we're happy now. it feels like yesterday that i volunteered for prim at the reaping. prim.. i miss her. i miss her dearly. but i know even though she's not physically with me, she's in my heart and she's watching over me. it's insane to think of how far peeta and i have come. all of the districts have been rebuilt. district 12 looks so much better now. the houses don't look worn down and the seams doesn't have a dark and weary feel to it anymore. the hob was rebuilt. we also have 3 children now.

rye cinna mellark. he's 18 years old. we had him 7 years after the last games. he looks and acts just like peeta. he has the same dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. he loves to bake and prefers to talk things out instead of fighting.

my youngest, dahlia rue mellark. she's 12 years old. we had her 13 years after the last games. she looks and acts like me. she has my black hair, grey eyes, and olive skin. she's as stubborn as i am.  she doesn't bake or paint. i've taught her how to hunt when she was younger. rye never could learn. if i even thought about killing an animal, he would get upset and wouldn't talk to me for at least a week.

the middle child. willow primrose mellark. she's a combination of peeta and i. she has my black hair and peeta's blue eyes and her skin is a happy medium between my olive skin and peeta's pale skin. she loves to bake and paint but she loves hunting. she's the most talented out of all of the kids at all three things. she can be stubborn but she also likes to talk things out before starting a fight. she may love hunting, as does dahlia, but we don't allow it. we teach them when they're young so they have survival skills but besides that, they aren't allowed near a weapon or in the woods.

we had the perfect life in district 12 until early july. there was a mandatory viewing that day so all of the kids stayed home. rye was going to go to the bakery with peeta, willow was going to hang out who knows where and i was going to take dahlia to the hob. we decided to just stay home and have a family day because of the mandatory viewing. the mandatory viewing changed so much.

willow's pov
1 week before the mandatory viewing

rye, dahlia and i were all walking to the hob when a somewhat serious conversation started.

"you know they need to have a final hunger games right?" i said.

rye looked at me confused.

"when the games started, a secret law was made saying that if the games were to end, an 100th (or 200th, 300th, etc) games had to take place."

"how do you know that?" dahlia asked me.

"all the laws can be accessed by anyone who knows how to use technology"

we continued walking for a few minutes when i spoke again.

"the mandatory viewing is probably to announce the 100th games. it's 25 years after the 75th games. it makes sense"

"i think you're crazy. paylor promised that there would be no more games if she could help it" rye said

"if she could help it. paylor is the type of person to never break a law. the law is signed by the president from that time. she has to go through with it or it just shows that anyone can defy the laws."

rye put on his concentrating face on. his mind was probably filled with thoughts. he didn't know whether to put trust into my theory or not.

"it does make sense" dahlia says looking at rye.

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