Chapter 4

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I fixed my crisp white shirt and buttoned up an extra button before it began to look like I was trying way too hard for someone that I should not be giving a second thought to.

My fingers were drumming on the table softly when someone pulled out the chair in front of me and took a seat.

My eyes shot up to be greeted by vaguely familiar blue ones. "hello there," I greeted.

"Turn that frown upside down, I can't be that bad company can I?" Tommy looked offended for half a second before giving me one of his bright smiles.

I let out a soft laugh at the unexpectedness of him joining me, "No never, sorry I was just surprised. You always seem to pop out of nowhere." I teased.

"Well I hope it's always a good surprise." He grinned from ear to ear giving me a little wink.

This guy seemed to always have so much energy and joy to spread, definitely the kind of person I needed in my life. His blue eyes shone in pure giddiness as he waited for me to agree with him.

I rolled my eyes at this, "of course, who could resist those gorgeous ocean eyes." I smirked as his smile somehow widened even more at this compliment.

We chatted for a few minutes about what classes we were taking this semester, figuring out what other classes we might have together. Unfortunately, the one and only class I had with him was psychology.

We had been catching up for almost 20 minutes before his eyes strayed behind me, seemingly taking in another body standing close by. The hairs at the back of my neck stood in anticipation, knowing only one person who would be hovering around right now.

He was late and I was pissed despite my lovely chat with Tommy, who, unbeknownst to him, had shoved all my nerves away and put a huge smile on my face.

A rough hand reached to grasp my shoulder and I immediately let out a sigh as my skin tingled from just one touch.

Tommy narrowed his eyes, taking in my uncomfortable face and obvious discomfort in the presence of this person. His eyes shot to mine, silently asking if I needed him to step in.

I shook my head with a small smile, letting him know that I was okay for now and finally turned to face the person responsible for my terrible mood these past few weeks.

A familiar ache shot through my heart as I caught sight of his beautiful face staring down at me with questioning eyes. "Hey"

"Hi" I replied softly, ignoring whatever question he was trying to relay to me without physically speaking.

The boy who had my heart and soul in the palm of his hand, the boy who I believed would cherish and treat me like he always promised, the boy who ultimately crushed me as soon as he didn't feel like having me in his life anymore.

Tommy suddenly cleared his throat and brought me back from those terribly fresh memories. I let out a breath, grateful for that small interruption stopping me from going down that road right now.

I slyly shook Ethan's arm off my shoulder as I turned back to Tommy, immediately hearing a chair screeching across the tiles and being placed way too close to my side. I scoffed.

I could sense Ethan eyeing the boy across from me and Tommy responded by doing the same.

I rolled my eyes as I had to experience stupid boyish egos this early in the morning. I quickly introduced them before it went quiet again and they continued their stare down. I really did not have time for this.

I turned my head towards the boy at my side, "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I deadpanned with no emotion in my voice which had Ethan's head whipping in my direction.

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