Chapter 5

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Mia and I were leaned forward in our chairs as we let out loud bursts of laughter, of course being the loudest ones in the restaurant.

"D-do you need a-a bib wittle baby" Mia cooed, trying her hardest to keep her laughter in and be serious for a moment. At this I burst into giggles once more.

"Fuck off." Tyler frowned at us as he tried to clean the chocolate milkshake from his face and shirt while the boys tried their best to hide their smiles.

The idiot had used his straw and blown into his shake instead of sipping it, causing his drink to fly out and mess everywhere. Class-A idiot in the house.

Eventually, when Ty was all cleaned up and we had all calmed down, we began to finish our food and caught up with everyone's week.

Tommy was seated to my right and Mia my left when suddenly both big stupid buffoons squished me between them as they rocked from side to side while I was about to take a sip of my shake. I swayed with them as they got rougher, causing my drink to spill as laughter shook through their bodies.

"God I hate you two." I scowled

Tommy grabbed a handful of tissues, "Here let me help." he began wiping my chest slyly before I swatted his hands away with laughter.

"Hands to yourself mister" I squinted at his sad attempt at feeling me up, "Only in the bedroom remember" I teased making everyone laugh.

As I lifted my head my mood falted, coming face to face again with the boy who broke my heart "Are you stalking me now." I half joked with no trace or humour in my voice.

He didn't reply, just looked at me before glaring at Tommy and storming out of the restaurant. Huh.

It was quiet for half a second before Mia spoke up, "God, I'm glad that didn't happen. He would've spoilt the mood if he stayed even a second longer." Mia and Tyler laughed at her joke.

For some reason I wasn't in the mood anymore.

The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly as we ordered dessert and gobbled it down in record time.

I interacted with everyone seemingly normally, keeping any suspicions at bay. I thought I would definitely get through this night without my new foul mood being caught, but alas as I locked eyes with the gorgeous boy across from me he seemed to have a suspicious eye on me as he scanned my face for something.

I rolled my eyes at him and send a dashing smile his way, hopefully dissipating whatever theories he was forming in his head, "What? Can't keep your eyes off me?"

"Is it that obvious?" He kept our eyes locked for a minute before sending me a wink with a satisfied smirk on his face.


Our dinner evening last week had been the last time all five of us had gotten together due to university life being such a leech.

It has been much harder settling in than I'd expected and I think I speak for all of us when I say the university workload sucks and leaves you with zero social life whatsoever.

Luckily I'd been able to avoid Ethan for as long as possible, he has been trying to contact me all week but I've been grinding in the library during every free moment. Not that I would willingly spare him a minute anyway.

I shoved all my books into my bag as my lecturer ended off and slipped out of my desk, excited to be heading home and taking a much deserved nap.

I felt someone bump into me from behind and I was about to start swearing until I noticed the familiar girl with apologetic eyes. "Gosh, I'm so sorry I'm such a clutz." She blew out a sigh as she picked up her books that had fallen out of her arms in the collision.

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