Chapter 3

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I sat at the back of my second class of the day as the lecture room filled with students.

The old male professor began introductions about himself and the Psychology class we'd be having together. The class dragged on for an hour with Professor Mill explaining the entire semester outline, and reminding us which textbooks to get for his class.

Eventually we were dismissed and the groups of students blocked the exits as we scrambled to get to our next class.

I felt someone move closer behind me and literally breathe down my neck as we waited to leave the lecture hall. Talk about personal space.

"Are you from Mars, " a deep voice whispered into my ear.

"What?" I turn my head into the direction of the person posing the weirdest question and to my surprise found Tommy grinning back.

"Because that ass is out of this world." He finishes with the biggest grin on his face.

My face is the perfect example of disgust before I burst out laughing.

Tommy watches me with a smirk on his lips, holding back his own laugh I'm sure. "What? That was great c'mon."

"Please tell me you've never used that before." I ask as we both move closer towards the exit.

"That line has gotten me endless amounts of ass, I'm very proud of it." He frowns, looking confused in the cutest way.

"I'm sure they didn't mind the awful pickup line after they saw YOU." I rolled my eyes at his oblivious boy behavior.

"Are you telling me they were only after my body!" He gasps loudly, allowing everyone around us to shoot curious glances our way. The mischievous glint in his eyes shine through his facade of hurt.

"Oh please, that's definitely all you have going for you anyway."

"Ellie, you're breaking my heart!" He yells out holding onto his chest dramatically, giving us an even bigger audience.

We tease each other all the way out of the building, not even realizing where we were going until he stopped abruptly.

"I'm requested that way for my next class," he pointed down the hallway, in the opposite direction that I was headed.

I nodded "Oh man, guess you'll have to woo me with those terrible lines another time then." I smirked as I walked backwards until I reached the exit of the building.

"You can count on it!" I heard him shout as the door closed behind me.

That man could charm the pants off any women. I'm glad Tyler found him.


Tyler strolled into my room after dinner and sprawled his giant limbs over my bed. "After dinner naps are the best." He mumbled into my pillow.

"Do you mind" I gestured towards his body taking up all the space on my bed, "You could go back to your dorm and sleep on your own bed!" I huffed.

He just ignored me and turned his head the other way as he got comfortable.

I sighed loudly so that he understood I wasn't happy about his need to invade my space. I ended up leaving him in the room to go find some snacks and a movie.

"Hey bestie" Mia sang as she waltz into our apartment almost 2 hours later.

"Welcome home you beautiful creature." I looked over at her from my comfortable seat on our couch noticing her very sexy outfit. "Pray tell, what innocent soul were you chatting up at the bar tonight." I asked raising my brow knowingly.

"What!?" She gasped dramatically, "what ever are you talking about Ellie." She glared at me just as a male figure came through our front door.

I laughed out loud at her sad attempt at acting like she didn't just do what we both knew she did.

"You forgot you jacket." mysterious man smiled as he handed it to her while they both gave each other sex eyes, before he left through the front door again.

She turned to look at me with a innocent smile, "So what's for dinner?"

I rolled my eyes before replying, "microwave."

She joined me with her warm food as the ending of my movie was coming up. Quickly chomping everything down just as Tyler decided to groggily walk into the room.

"What the fuck." Mia exclaimed, "why are you here?"

Tyler ignored her and sat down on the couch opposite us as it seems he was still trying to wake up from his nap in my bedroom.

"bitch decided to take a nap on my bed." I informed Mia, as it seemed Ty was not up for talking just yet.

The three of us ended up sitting and talking about how our first day went since we had no classes together despite going to the same campus.

About 20 minutes into our little chat my phone pinged with a notification, then two more when I ignored the first one.

I looked down at my phone and frowned when I noticed the number despite not having it saved in my phone.

I sighed loudly as my two best friends looked at me expectedly wanting to know who was possibly disturbing us. "Ethan."

"Just block his stupid ass!" Mia groaned with Tyler nodding in agreement.

"I know I should but I'll feel bad. He doesn't know anyone else, it's a whole new city guys" I tried to reason.

"Yes and he can meet new people like you do when you move to a new country and start university." Tyler deadpanned, "what does he want?" He asked again referring to the messages I'd received.

I lowered my head so that I didn't have to look at either of them before mumbling, "He wants to meet for coffee tomorrow morning before class."

"Oh gosh! Don't even fall for that El." Tyler said and Mia just groaned loud in annoyance.

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