Chapter 1.

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No, not now.

Hard and fast stomps we're heard from down the hallway.

Oh god please don't come in here.

My door swung open and suddenly my best friends booming voice was in my bedroom.
"Ellie! Get up, what are you still doing in bed!"

"what does it look like" I mumbled from under my covers.

"Well, you promised me you'd come with me today." She sang as she yanked my blankets away.

"I never knew you meant this early, Just give me 5 more minutes, please Mia!"

I felt the bed shift under her weight and soon she was jumping up and down on top of me, "Nope. Not happening, you're never going to get up if I let you sleep any longer!" Relentless.

For fucks sake. "OKAY STOP! I'M UP!" I yelled trying to get her to stop bouncing on top of me.

"Good, now get done." she smiled innocently, quickly getting off me to raid my closet for an outfit.

I puffed my cheeks and let out a heavy sigh as I staggered out of bed , mumbling incoherent words at her under my breath.

"Love you too my sugarplum," she shouted with a wink over her shoulder as I walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me so she knew I wasn't doing this willingly. Not at all.


I closed the car door as I got out of the car and walked over to Mia, "Buy me Starbucks ."

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Buy your own shit!" she exclaimed.

"I am your best friend, whom you forced to get up at some ungodly hour to come shopping with you. You better buy me a double chocolate latte with EXTRA whipped cream right now!" I challenged.

I don't know when but we had stopped walking and were  standing in the middle of the parking area having a stare down, neither of us wanting to give in first.

I tilted my head to the side and crossed my arms across my chest giving her a deadly stare, "Mia."

"Okay! Fuck, you can get your latte thing." She growled out as I smiled eagerly and skipped off towards the mall with Mia now in tow.

As we emerged to the entrance I turned around and found Mia texting someone on her phone, "It's Tyler, said he'll be here in 10."

"Okay, well come on then, tell him to meet us at starbucks." I winked at her and burst out laughing at the face she pulled, "Don't be so sour love!" I teased.

"Shut up and get your stupid latte before I change my mind." she mumbled while she dragged her feet to keep up with me.

I got to the coffee shop and luckily there were only 2 other people in the line ahead of me.

While I waited I got out my phone and went on instagram. I received 3 notifications from my friends back home in London with pictures they'd tagged Mia, Tyler and I in from our going away party.

As I was scrolling through pictures I came across one from the party that someone had tagged me in. I never knew the picture was being taken because I was laughing at some stupid joke with my friend. Sitting on his lap. Ethan. He was staring at me with a little smile on his face, like I was his entire world.

Well it seems he was a really great actor because 2 days later I caught him with another girl, a flipping day before I was suppose to leave the country.

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