Chapter 10 - Recovery

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We stood there, speechless. The girl.. "Nine" is what I think Cody called her had just been turned to stone. The smoke was still spreading and coming towards us.

I grabbed Cody's shoulder and pointed at the spreading smoke. "We need to get out of here. There will be no survivors in there. There was nothing we could do."

He nodded and we turned away from Inkopolis. I'm not sure how Cody is going to recover from this. "Nine" might have been his best friend and now she was gone.

We walked a pretty far distance from Inkopolis before we turned back and looked at it. The smoke could be seen from so far away.

I didn't know what we were going to do. Cody looked devastated about his friend's fate. We would have to keep walking for now.

We kept walking for nearly an hour when I heard a rustling in the forest. "Did you hear that?" I asked Cody. "No, what did you hear?" He replied. "I heard some rustling from the forest.."

Before we could react something ran out of the forest, startling us. Cody jumped into a fighting stance and was about to attack the thing that came out of the forest when I yelled for him to stop. The thing that had jumped out of the forest was David, the scientist that had me trapped in a glass box. Of course, I didn't hate him.. anymore.

He was breathing very heavily and was pale as a ghost. He looked scared of something. "David?" I asked. He looked up from the ground and his eyes widened. "Oh, I am so glad to see you! I have so much to tell you... but not right now. We have to get out of here before they catch up to me." He looked at Cody strangely. "Who's your friend, eh?"


We ran as fast as we could through the forest. Apparently David was being chased by a bunch of those Mechalings for "letting the experiment escape." "I suppose I'm the experiment?" I ask. "Yup." He replies.

Suddenly Cody stops running. "I'm out of breath. Guess I've been so used to being an Octoling that I forgot what being a human was like." David turns around and stares at Cody. "You were an Octoling?" He asked. "Yeah, but these robot-explody guys injected me with something and now I'm a human again." Cody replies.

David perks up again. "We need to keep running. Those guys are robots and they have enhanced speed. If we don't get out of here now-"

Too late.

The Mechalings jumped out of the forest and tried to attack us. I backflipped out of the way, but David and Cody weren't so lucky. One of the Mechalings raised it's arm and the arm opened up. Inside was a weapon of some sort. It started firing ink at us and I jumped out of the way. David rolled to the side while Cody got splattered with ink from the ink blaster.

The Mechalings all began to focus on Cody, who was now entirely covered in ink. The Mechalings turned away from him, thinking they had destroyed them. The Mechalings quickly turned towards David and I and started advancing towards us. They were not too far away when something grabbed one of them from behind and pushed it into the other ones. They all crumpled to the ground and electricity started to appear on them. They exploded, and the person that destroyed them jumped out of the way.

They stood up and looked at us. "Guess that's a huge plus when you're a human."

Cody stood there, smiling. He turned around and pulled something that was sticking out of one of the Mechaling parts. "Well, would you look at that. It's telling me where they came from and how to get there." He turned around and started walking away. "Well, are you coming or what?"

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