Chapter 13 - The Clone

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I stand in a dark room. I can see almost nothing.

"I must say... that I am very disappointed in you Geo."

Geo stands at the foot of a throne which is concealed by the darkness. Somebody was sitting on the throne but I can't make out a face. It's to dark.

"You had a dozen Mechalings with you and still you failed to recapture the experiment." Said the man on the throne. "I don't have an infinite supply of you Geo. You must stop getting yourself killed." "My sincerest apologies, master. I would have splatted her and she would have reappeared back here. It was the closest respawn platform. If her human friend had not interfered, we would have recovered the experiment." Said Geo.

"If this is your excuse, then very well. I suppose I will simply have to make you stronger. You know that there is only one way to do that Geo." Geo's eyes widened. "Please master! Please! Don't do this!" He yelled. "Guards, take Geo to the maintenance facility. Fix him. Make him understand why recapturing the experiment is so important."

Two Mechalings with glowing staffs made of luminescent yellow ink stepped out from behind the throne. They took Geo by the arms and dragged him slowly out of the room while he screamed. "PLEASE MASTER! DON'T DO THIS, PLEASE!"

The man on the throne watched them leave quietly. After they had left, he sat there for a moment before letting out a large sigh. "Geo is useless. I have seen what he will become. He will join that group of scum. He will betray me. Can I trust nobody around here?" He turned to his left and looked at a tube of some sort. "There is only one thing left to be done. If the experiment is not recaptured all will be lost. I have to let you go. I have to let you hunt them. Capture the experiment, I want it alive. Kill it's friends. Take no prisoners."

The tube lit up. It was a sickly shade of green. Inside the tube was... A perfect clone of me.

I stepped back in horror... How was this possible?

The clone opened its eyes. They looked around very fast for a while before landing their gaze on me. The clone started to attack the glass of the tube. Finally, it broke free and started to charge towards me.

Just before it grabbed me the ground opened beneath me, sucking everything and everyone into a pit of madness.


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