Chapter 7 - The Warning

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We bursted out of the building faster than speed itself. Ok, that's not true but we still got out as fast as possible.

We looked around. There weren't any explodies around, so that's good, but we still have that one problem. Cody is a human again.

Cody turns towards me. "V, We need to get to the square now! We need to warn Marie and Callie!" He runs down one of the many alleys. I follow closely behind, hoping I don't lose him in this maze of a city.

As we get closer to the square I start hearing things... "You are a traitor to your own kind... Prepare for death, traitor... Things I've never heard before. They keep flooding my mind, blocking all other thoughts and it's hard to focus.

Then come the screams. They pierce through the air, howling louder than anything I've ever heard before. It was so unexpected that I tripped and crashed to the ground. Cody, unfortunately didn't notice and I was left on the ground.

"Cody, wait!" I cry out. It's no use, he isn't coming back. I struggle to stand because of the voices in my head. They're telling me i'm worthless the octolings. That i'm a traitor.. how can I be a traitor if I don't even know who I am?

I am V. I CAN DO THIS. I push the voices out and stand up again. I have to get back to Cody, but which way did he go? This city is like a maze, and I have never been here before.

Someone approaches me, and suddenly I fall to my knees, hands on the ground. A paper falls in front of me, and I just have enough time to make out the words before everything goes to black.

"The second war is coming, and you have to choose a side."

I am V.

HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok ill stop. But seriously. It's been a while. I hope you all didn't give up on me. That wouldn't be epic. Ok so. I don't know. Why would "V" choose to side with whoever dropped the note? What did they ever do for her? That will be explained, i promise. What i can't promise is longer chapters because i suck. Ok bye

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