"I wasn't mad. But it did sting."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to its just all of this is messing with my head," taking a seat on the bed, Leah peered up at him, "I honestly don't know what I'd do if you guys ditched me."

He slumped onto the bed and pulled his hands from his pockets before mumbling in response, "I told you I'm not going anywhere."

"That's a relief. I need you on my team."

"Do I have to tote pompoms around?"

She cracked a smile, pulling her locks to one side of her head, "Only if you want to."

Eyes made of chocolate and kindness unwrapped a new flavor as he shone his attention into her. Sweeter than any dessert and more real than any stupid nightmare, his energy leaked out like her favorite tea from a kettle. Daniel matched her grin, "I want to."

For a moment, the storm clouds hanging over her head spread apart allowing thick golden rays to shine down. The infamous butterflies she'd heard about sprang from cocoons and fluttered in her stomach. With her pulse racing and tongue pressing against her cheek, she felt a craving like no other. The handyman beside her had evolved from being easy on the eyes to full blown handsome.

But then reality came back to her in the form of her canine companion licking away at her hands.

Leah jumped before giving Beo a razzle on the top of his head. Cheeks red, she tried to pretend she hadn't just gone teenage dream on him.

Daniel cleared his throat and readjusted on the bed, "You think he'll be alright?"


"Beo," he whistled for him before rubbing his back, "Has he ever been home by himself?"

She hadn't even thought about what she'd do with her furry best friend. Rude waves ripped through her. There was no way she would bring him to Elk Village, it was no argument. She couldn't put his innocent life in danger. But he couldn't stay by himself either.

Leah groaned and fell back on to her bed. There was only one person she could try.

It had been a while since Alice Reels had gotten in contact with her, perhaps she should beat her to the chase.


"You're doing what?!"

Leah sighed and held onto the golden necklace Simon had given to her, "You heard me. I'm going to Elk Village."

"When? Why? W-what?"

"I'm going to see my dad." It wasn't a full lie, she was going to see him. There was no way she was about to step foot in that place and not get a chance to see him. Her beating heart needed to try to make it up to him. "I'm leaving today."

"Holy cow, you're not kidding?"


"What made you want to do this, Leah?"

"A lot. Look, I was wondering if you could babysit Beo for me? I can't take him."

"Why not?"

Leah lifted her head and peered up at her empty room, "It's too dangerous."

"Danger- wait," there was a hiss on the other end of the line and for once it wasn't a snake. Alice cut her breath sharp into the phone, "This is about that bogus craft isn't it?"

Here we go again. She sat up and rubbed her hair from her face, "Alice..."

"You're nuts, absolutely freaking nuts!"

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