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A loud rapping sound ticked out.

From the cracks in the earth came a tune straight from hell. Made up of voices whispering sharply and deep monotonous humming, the song like no other played in surround sound. Volume rising, the sheets of darkness slowly let up revealing a dark hooded figure sitting behind a thick table. With legs wide and carved into what could only be made out as skulls, the entire make of the table shook. The figure had begun to pound, now the only things able to be seen from beneath the cloak were two hands. They were painted white with black markings and they were deathly skinny. After each boom, they shook as if they were going to fall right off. And as the fingers resembling bones curled into fists, the grinding sound of sickly joints was added to the loud rapping.

Leah hiccupped in panic as her surroundings continued despite the deafening song. Something fearful rose in the air in an instant; and it made her cringe with its presence. Looking out, she watched the hands drum once more on the table before they came to a halt. Wiggling, she soon realized she was tied up on her very own couch. Her heart raced drugged up on fear. One hand rose and pointed to her. She attempted to move again, but her skin began to burn beneath the rope wrapped around her body. "W-What is going on?"

The figure didn't move and its hand curled allowing one single finger to jab towards her. Her arms singed as she wriggled around again, "What is this? Who are you?" Following her questions, the hand pointing at her grew a cold force. The music made of voices began to grow more intense. As the hand slowly brought its index finger towards the neck of the cloak, it made a quick slicing motion across. Leah's eyes widened.

She inhaled but before she could finish, dozens of snakes began to pour from the corners of the darkness and slither around her. Some slithered up her legs, and soon after some began to creep down her shoulders. Shaking and screaming, she tried to get them off but her efforts fell short. She was tied tightly to the couch while scales traveled onto her body.

The snakes, as purple as the one she'd seen before, soon covered her entire body until she could see no more, speak no more and hear not a sound. Pure darkness squeezed her and every inch of life she had left.


Sweaty and sore, Leah screamed out nearly jumping off the couch. She shook around still feeling the reptiles on her skin before realizing it was a dream. No, it was more like a nightmare. Her breathing began to decline but her heart still rattled in her chest. She held it, staring around the room. She was alone as ever before.

Peering over her shoulder, she checked out her dining area that had been very much occupied in her dream. It was empty and instead of the bizarre table from the terror sat her plain light wood dining set. She sighed, shaking her head, "It wasn't real. It wasn't real."

She wiped the sweat from her face and studied the clock. Only two hours had passed by. The house was growing dim as the sun began to set. Night would soon engulf the town, she could tell from the streaks of amber light that shone in from her windows. That meant Alice would soon be arriving.

Leah gave her den one last look before slowly moving into the dining area, dissolving her fear a bit more and opening the back door. There they were, glowing eyes staring in at her. Blue round eyes came close as her giant husky approached, masculine as a wolf but sweet as a puppy. Her companion, Beo rubbed against her leg and licked her fingertips. He looked at her as if he knew of the terror from her dream. His dark markings above his eyes acted as brows and rose up, a whimper making a whistle in the air.

Leah pet his head, "It's alright boy. Come on in."

He licked her again before trotting by. In a matter of seconds the heavy steps against the floor stopped and were replaced by the sound of water being lapped up. He often came to the door thirsty after being out and about. Her backyard was only separated from a small forest area by a wooden fence in which Beo had a not-so-secret way out.

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