Twenty Four

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A young Leah once believed that being a member of the Edenwood family was all she'd ever need; it meant she would always have safety and love to support her. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think it would have left her where she stood then. Who could predict being the cause of a mother's demise, or being a lone wolf treading through life in fear of nearly everything that came along? How could she had seen the torture heading her way? It was impossible to have had premonitions regarding it all. If only it were impossible for it all to even be happening.

In her old childhood home she stood, facing a father she'd missed for years and facing the horrors that had become the odd norm. Adamo blinked, sniffing through wide nostrils and still aching from the inside out. He scratched his chin searching for words, "I just don't understand how this is a possibility. We'd all come to the agreement that it was an accident."

"People lie," a true statement passed from between Leah's lips. Everything she'd been raised on melted away when living around family members became uncomfortable. It singed when the torment had begun. When she realized who was behind it all, everything exploded into unrecognizable matter. So much for blood running forever.

"Derek is behind this. I've seen him in my dreams, and I'm not the only one," she remembered a particular guardian probably waiting anxiously outside of the house. "Do you remember when Grandpa used to teach us about crafting?"

One nod was all it took to firm an understanding of a memory surrounding an incredible man. Oscar Edenwood lived to see his family thrive another day. He took pride in being a provider, a protector and a teacher. Anyone who had the privilege to know him was lucky. Losing his father couldn't have been easy. Adamo sighed, "Yes. I do."

"And remember when he used to tell us that there are special people that use special things in sacred crafts?" Leah didn't wait for her father to respond, she wet her lips thinking of the best way to introduce one of her saviors into the equation. "Well I came across someone who has the ability, and the tools to see certain things that happen to people. His name is Simon, and he's a guardian."

"A guardian?"

"Yes. Bracelets and all. He found my troubles in a soul map and ever since then he's really saved me from the worst. I practically owe him my life," she shrugged, "Well, some of it." Gazing at pools of cocoa that had a particular sparkle even time couldn't erase, she pushed herself to be brave. It was a little too late to be anything but. "He's going to help me end this."


"I told you, whatever it takes."

Adamo pressed his lips together, tipping his head to the side. Watching his tiny pet gnaw away at his paws, he dripped in deep thoughts. A giant breath came though his chest moving his flannel. "But-"

"Dad," Leah whimpered beneath her own skin. She hadn't expected convincing him to hop on board to be easy, but she needed to have some sort of approval from her father. Her boots dug into the ground, steadying her stance. "I know he's your son but trust me, if he's doing all of this there's a huge possibility that he isn't the Derek you remember."

"What do you mean?" A father huffed, confused and frustrated.

Remembering some exerpts from the Tamanaka book she'd flipped through one unsettling night, her face lifted allowing her hair to fall behind shoulders. She had to be exact but she also had to make sure her dad truly understood the urgency of concluding her terrors. "If you play with dark craft, you have to be cautious. It's not a one sided thing because it can, and I think it's obvious that it has, take over the person doing it." She paused allowing an instinct to overpass, "Its like pushing someone into the mud, only to be pulled in yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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