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Thump, thump, thump.

Every time the truck went over a hole in the road it vibrated, random change jingling in the cup holder. However many minutes had passed by and the bumpy trek became somewhat soothing to Leah. It was like an old fashion baby swing, clicking each time it changed directions. Slowly but surely the wad of disturbance dissolved and she found herself leaning back in exhaustion.

Out the window she could finally see some sign of civilization; late night customers ambling from one neon sign to another. It made her a little easier in the stomach seeing she wasn't smack dab in the middle of the woods. Even more so, she was clear of dusty ol Elk Village.

Her eyes went over to Daniel who was one handed steering and chewing at his lip. It was the closest she'd been to him since she whacked him in the head. Now that she could catch his appearance fully, there was no missing the fact that he had a great bone structure, not too manly and not too soft. There was a hint of honesty sparkling behind his brownie bite eyes, and he was hiding some pretty muscular arms beneath his tshirt.

She thanked her lucky stars she hadn't been kidnapped or felt up yet. But a little birdie told her she wouldn't have to worry about that. So she Readjusted herself and cleared her throat to grab his attention. "Um, are you always this quiet?"

He cocked his head at her, "Only on certain occasions."


"I figured you had fallen asleep."

"Oh me? Nope," she crossed her hands on her lap, spinning her thumbs around one another. There was an awkward break in the cab of the truck. In fact, she swore she heard him gulp a nervous swallow. Then again, it might have been her.

"Will it be much longer?" She asked.

"Maybe ten minutes?"

"Wow I really flew out there."

"Sure did, ever consider Nascar?"

She hummed a low laugh, "Maybe once."

"You're a killer."


His brow fluffed, "I said you'd be a killer."

"Oh right." Reminding herself that he was a stranger and not someone accusing her of some kind of terror, she exhaled the sign of anxiety flashing in the night. It was a hard thing to do sometimes. Some days were easier than others. Ever since her ordeal with the stranger had begun, it was even harder to stay focused.

"So how did the accident happen?" It was raining and not a calm autumn rain. The drops that fell hit the ground with an angry smack, leaking a poisonous tune.

"I was just having one of those days. I got in my car and I guess I was so deep in thought that I didn't seen the dammed thing."

"What about the body?" It was terrible how quick the pigment began to drain. So still, so lifeless. There was a deep and dark glaze over its eyes, one that longed to be revived. But death had already taken that one...

"I didn't see it after it hit my car, or I hit it. It probably took off, I hear deer can survive a hit from a car."

Leah rolled her tongue against the roof of her mouth and rubbed her neck. Her crazy little memory was playing tricks on her. She was without a doubt ready for the night to come to an end.

"They sure can." The truck came to an idle at a red light and Daniel stretched his neck to the side, cracking it in a second. His chest puffed out in relief, "So do you live with like a boyfriend,  husband or an older brother?"

Those That Slither | ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن