Badminton Special-Who's She?

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The girl:Here! We are here!
At the last moment Zara and A girl
Seems to be Amy entered the court by running And save Their team from losing Without even playing.She wore
A cape which was included in their
Uniform that covered her face.So in
No minute Referee Announced to
Start the game.


Boy team is pretty fast.They don't waste even a second to shot the corke.
On the other hand, Zara and the girl
Is also playing with about an equal
Pace of boys team.After 8 minutes
Zara started to lacking in speed.She
Went to the corner and drunk water
A few times .While The other girl is
Giving away the shots.However after
13 minutes of 15, The game is already
In it's ending point.Zara was Panting
While The other was handling Alan's
Shots.Mendes took the lead and harshly hit away the corck to Zara.
It was a High Shot but As zara was
Short in her height and was tired
Around But saw something unexpected. The girl didn't let go of
The shot even so Zara did.She Jump
Over zara's racket to reach the height.
The scene was looking like An eagle
Just flew on to Hit a fire like shot.
Evwryone had to look up to witness
The scene..Zara and the boy team was
Astonished as well as audience. After
Hitting the corke the girl landed on
Ground safely. And the ending bell
Rang.. (APLUSE)

WON BY 10/9 POINT!!!

Cheerleaders started to hype up For
The joy.Referee announced 10 minutes break before the starting
Of 2nd round.Zara and the mystic
Girl went to their Rest room.

Scene 2,
Sunny:Aghh...How can it be? How can
They won against you Dumbs!?!It's
Impossible for that girl to be Amy !!
Then who the hell is it?!?! And how
Can she play badminton that well??

The caller:Hmm..She's very mysterious. I can't figure out whether
It's Amy or Someone else.Cause her
Face was covered. Wait for the 2nd
Round, She won't be able to win this
Round. (Smirking)

Scene 3,
Pan and Mary entered in the restroom
And locked the door . There's more 5
Minutes to go.

Mary:Like round 1 we have to save
The 2nd round too.
Zara:Yeah.we got it!!
After 5 minutes Zara and the girl came out of restroom and step into
The court Whilest SuC members
Are standing everywhere in the
Corner of tbe court.

Referre Pull up the green card and
Whistled .

Round 2nd Starts,
First 10 minutes it was going well. Both teams were giving there bests.
The score was 6-6.But after That it
Started to get harder for girls team.
Zara was out of breath in every One
Minute. And The other one was
Getting tired too.Then boys team
Scored 7 and left girls team behind!
Mary and some of the students were
Screaming from the gallery.But The
Girl wasn't playing as expectation.
She seems to lack of attention She was looking at the side of court for a second and that's it!in  The
14th minute girls team got behind
Of boys team in a scale of 2 points!
Zara was grinning while playing then
Came an shot which could change their fate but It wasn't for Zara but
Was for the Girl.And she Missed it
For some freaking reasons.Zara
Groaned in disbelief and became
Hopeless.So as Mary .And the ending bell rang...

REFAREE:SO, Boy's Team Won by
10/8 Points! (APPLUSE)

That's when the Drama started.Mendes and Alan was screaming for their joy and smirking at the two
Speechless and tired girls.Mendes
Then suddenly shouted "It can't be
Amilia Aniston guys!! Look How
She played.It was the easiest shot
I have ever offered to my opponent. She's(Amy) a great badminton
Player.If this was Amy I admit that
We wouldn't have won!! So guys
It's not her!! She's hiding her face.
It's someone else!!
Suddenly the audience got ranged!
They started to demant to undo the
Mask and cape from The girl's face.
They are confused as hell.Mary was
Trying to clam them down Cause if
She(the girl) have to let them see her
Face, It will be a disaster for their
Whole team..Zara and the girl in
Court was froze and they couldn't
Think of what to do..At the moment,
Neon and Sazid Came to Mary who
Was sweating and panicking looking
At the situation.

Sazid:Hey Mary..What's wrong with you??
Mary:(Got startled) Ah..nothing.
Sazid:Is that really Amy?
Mary:Hmm..What do u mean? Yeah
Of course that's Amy.Your friend
Mendes is douting too much.
Sazid:Oh really? But she doesn't play like Amy. (He said with a gaze in his
Eyes) maybe she's tire-
When Mary was speaking she saw
A girl Entering in the electricity power Room.It was on the second floor of the staff building and from
Gallary it can be seen clearly.She was
Wearing a scarf and a pair of sunglasses. And mary recognised her
In a flash.But there's hundreds of
Questions in her mind right now that
She didn't even hear what's Sazid and
Neon are saying .

Mary:Wait. .I have to go bye.
Mary was about to go when The electricity went off!!! Sazid grabbed her hand and said to stay where she is.But Mary know the the electricity
Is gone.The gallery turned into a mess.Zara, The so called Amy, Mendes, Alan were confused and
Referee is shouting for someone to go
Fix it in the power room.When
Suddenly the electricity came back.
Everyone breathed in relief.

But Neon again stopped Mary from
Going and bombered her with a
Hundreds of questions.

Neon:Where's Pan?? She's a SUC
Member right??
Mary:Ah..she's in bathroom..Don't
Worry. (She was panicking)
Neon:Really? Bathroom for this long?
(Suddenly Pan jumps in the back of
Mary out of nowhere. Mary got
Startled. )
Pan:I'm here!!

Mary felt like drooling .She saw some
One is standing on the court with
Zara.But who the freaking person
She is??

#So, guys what do u think cut off the electricity?
#And who's on the court??
#Where was Pan?
#And who actually played these two
Rounds?? And where's Amy?

Stay tuned to know further.
Love ya guys~♥;-)

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