Chapter 12

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1 December....》》

Today every students who have taken the form for Badminton session will strat their hard work. And the vote for SUC will also strat from today and will end on 5 December.

Mary, Amy, Pan and Zara were sitting on their seat while chatting with each other in what's app group profile.

Amy : Hey I'm excited for today's badminton practice? ?!
Pan:Yey..em excited to win the vote..
And well obviously I will.
Mary : Smh.And how did you know that you'll win?
Zara : Sarcasm is her life style mate.
Mary : Hahaha
Amy : (laughing emoji)
Pan:You ho*s stop smiling when I will
Be the member, you will follow my rules :-*
Mary : well that's not happening. Cause Marina Varmont is up there for
Ruling the University. . ₩₩
Amy : Y'all stop it now.
Zara : What if no one get any chance?
Amy : Yo sis true..
Mary : you wish! !
Pan : I will g---(when Nion suddenly
Sat on the seat in front of Pan.As she couldn't finish her text the three of them looked at Pan..and saw that Nion interrupted their foodie to finish her word)

and saw that Nion interrupted their foodie to finish her word)

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Pan rolled her eyes and said to Nion

Pan : What are you here for..
Nion : Umm..just for having a talk.
Pan : well I guess you have friends to
Talk with?
Nion:Um..I just bring a little gift for you.
Pan : What?
(THEN he pull a lunch box from his back what he was hiding the whole time.)

It was full of Red velvet cookies whichPan loves the most to eat in Trams of Cookies

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It was full of Red velvet cookies which
Pan loves the most to eat in Trams of
Cookies.First pan tried to control herself from jumping on the box. She
Just sat there looking at nion and his box.

Nion : I made these cookies for you!
Pan : what? How?
Nion:I saw a post of yours and your friends on Facebook eating these cookies I thought you like it.
Pan : oh..but I don't wanna eat now.

Pan said that so hardly..Because she loves them so much and just want to
Have a bite right now. .but she can't.
After a awakard smile when she was
Going to go back in her group chat
Nion suddenly stuffed a piece of cookie in her mouth! !!!!

Pan:Mmmmm...what the hell?
Nion: Please eat the rest of them bye~
(He rans away from her desk quickly)
Pan was speechless for two reasons. .
First, The cookie tastes soooo good.
And second she didn't expect it would happen.

However the lunch time ends there..
After that one of the teachers came and told the students to cellect their
Vote paper from SUC vote counter.
Everyone will write their favourite person's name in the vote paper and
Drop it in the box.They didn't use Computer to process the vote Cuase
Paper vote can raise more interest in students!!!!

Amy and Zara got their papers first as
They obviously voted Mary and Pan.
Pan got into the line first by running
While Mary was walking towards the line a bit rapidly to catch pan. Suddenly a boy and she bumped into each other. Mary was almost falling on the ground while the boy grabbed her waist. She
Saw a paper which dropped from the boy's hand and she read it..and Her
Name Marina Varmont was written on it.she understood that boy voted
For her and that is his vote paper.But
After she realize she's half laying on someone's hands..So she quickly stand on and break free..and when she looked at the face of the boy.
It was Sazid!!! ! Who's Iphone got
Broken by Mary last time..

ENJOY IT..comment and vote if you liked it....Goodbye ;-)♥

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