Chapter 16

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On the other hand, After they came
Out of the stage.Pan phoned Amy and
Zara who were waiting to hear from
Them.As soon as they heard that their
Besties are now the new member of
SUC they started to jump and scream
In enjoyment.Amy started to spin
Through the ground like a balle dancer in happiness while Zara was
Jumping talking with pan. But
Unfortunately Amy's balle dance
Didn't end up well.She lost her balance while spining..and was almost about to fall in the swimming
Pool that they have in the University.
When suddenly Someone pulled her
From there and they fall on the ground facing each other..Amy Was
Closing her eyes..after a few seconds
When she realized she's saved she
Open her eyes..And almost freaked
Out seeing the boy's face.

Cuz it Was Mendes!!!

Amy:Umm...I-I'm sorry. .she quickly stood up from that position. ..
Mendes:It's ok. He said it with a smirk
And walked away.
Then when finally Amy was about to
Take a breath ahe saw Zara looking
At her smirking evily and guess she
Was saying everything to Mary and
Pan.They laughed their ass off..while
Amy was half blushing. ..and half

So that night 3 mouchies Teased Amy
Horribly for her Incredible Balle dance....And with throwing pillows
At each other they fall asleep.

The Next Morning,

The classes ended as ever but Teacher
Announced that The new members of
SUC gotta go to have a camping to
San Francisco for 3 days..... it this hard to be a member of SUC?
Mary:Why foodie I'm enjoying it. so? ?that means you won't
Miss us...(she pouted )
Mary:No Bff I will miss you incredebly.;-)
Pan:Ahh...why the hell do we need to
Train for it??'s our first time and
We have to maintain the universities
Rules and it's standard so we must
Take lessons. .
Pan:And blah blah blah! !

Just then Amy jumped out and claimed that....

Amy:But that Sazid and Nion is also
Going right Mary?
Mary:That's the worst part of it.(she
Zara:Hmm...I smell some romance
Ahead.. (she frowning her brows sarcastically)
Mary:Shut the hell up Zara she strenly

But Zara along with Amy burst into laughter. ...while Mary and pan started to throw pillows at them..

When suddenly Matal entered the room..

Matal:What ru giys fighting about guys?
Pan:Nothing serious. .
Zara:Nooo...we were talking about how will be the romantic scenes .
(She said teasing pan and mary)
Mary:You clownnn!!!
After hearing it Matal's expression
Suddenly changed..

Matal:with whom Mary?
Amy :with S--...(That's when throw
The pillow on her mouth)
Mary:Dont listen to these useless
Mockers Matal!!
Matal:Dont fall in any trap Guys!!
Be careful! !!
Pan glared at her with a disgusted look.When she was about to aay anymore. ..Mary ahook off the topic.
And command everyone to go to sleep.

Amy:Yes yes let's go to sleep. .we have
Practice tomorrow.
Mary:Good night guys..
Pan, Zara, Amy: good night..
Matal:Huh..what to say..sweet dreams.
They all went to their rooms.

Hello guys,
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Wanna see ..And enjoy it!!!!

                        -love lots♥♥


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