Chapter 5

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M i r a c l e

"Tommorow's the day." I sat at the head of our meeting table and scooted my chair in. "All of you women will be out of this office building and in the streets with these men." I stared down the table full of women, making eye contact with each of them.

"We've been going over the rules for the past few weeks now, and I expect each and every one of you to follow them, do I make myself clear?" They all nodded. "Good, whatever information you get on these men, comes to us. Credit card information, account numbers, all of it comes to us. So when you get the information, Take to the filing floor, and see Rickey, he'll now what to do with it."

Everyone nodded. I took a deep breath before continuing. "This is do or die you guys, I know that I've been on everybody's neck lately, but I want to make sure things go smoothly. I hate the process of new girls, but what's done is done. Anyway, like I said before, if you have any problems or dilemma's along the way that you can't handle on your own, you can come to me, Mr.Thompson or Mr.Rickey, and we'll be gad to help you."

I stood up from my chair and sighed. "That's all for today ladies, I need everyone here bright and earlier tommorow morning so everyone can be on the same page with their individual cases, so get some rest tonight." I grabbed my folder off the table and walked out of the room.

I didn't know how these new ladies we're going to do tommorow, but all I could do now was keep my fingers crossed, hoping everything went the way it was suppose too.


I pulled into my driveway and rolled my eyes once I seen Tyrell's car parked beside mine. I quicly stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut. "Miracle." I sighed and pulled my purse up on my shoulder once I heard his low raspy voice. I turned around to see him coming out of his car.

"So you're stalking me now?" I put all my weight on my right foot and waited for him to answer me. "I ain't stalkin you, I came to talk." I sighed. "Talk about what Rell? I told you Im not touchin you, and if you really were going to call the police, you would of did it along time ago when we broke up."

He slightly chuckled and nodded. "You right." I paused and lifted a brow. "Im right? Okay, so why are you here then?? He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I miss you mimi."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Get off my property Rell." I walked passed him and pulled out my keys, walking up to the front door. "Come on ma, I know you gotta miss me a little bit." I ignored him as I unlocked the door and stepped inside the house. I tried to close the door, but he grabbed it, pushing it back.

"I didn't invite you inside." He closed the door behind himself and looked me up and down. "I missed that body." He licked his lips and smiled. "Tyrell Im not with the games right now alright? I had a long day at work and-"

All of a sudden, Tyrell crashed his lips into mine and pulled me into him. I frowned, try as hard as I could to push him off of me and get his lips off of mine. I put my hand on his stomach and pushed him back, causing him to stop.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I wiped my mouth and frowned. "Have you been drinking? You taste just like alcohol." He chuckled. "I had a drink or two." I sighed and pushed my hair back, trying to calm myself down. "Look, I need you to leave, Im not in the mood right now." A small smile formed on his lips, which eventually turned into a huge grin.

"Come on Mimi, don't do me like that." He stepped towards me, causing me to step back. "Im trying to be as calm as I can with you alright? You need to leave." He kept walking towards me and I kept walking back until my back hit a wall.

He smile got even wider as he placed his hand on the wall, leaning into me. "Let me take care of you real quick." "No thank you." I said, folding my arms across my chest. "Ight, well take care of me then." He bit down on his bottom lip and looked down towards his pants.

I glanced down at his jeans, causing my eyes to widend. He was fully erect and damn near poking through the jean material. "You know you want me." He whispered in my face. "I know you miss how I made love to yo body." I kept the same frown on my face as I listened to him speak.

"Your drunk, and you need to take yo ass home before I call the police." He chuckled. "Stop playin ma." I felt his hand on my thigh, causing to freeze in place. It slowly drifted to the top of my dress before he quickly pushed it up.

I grabbed his hand and tried pushing him back, but he was stronger than me. "Tyrell stop." "You know you like it." He whispered. He leaned into my neck and kissed it, causing me yo gag.

I lifted my leg up and kneed him in the crouch, automatically causing him to groan. "The fuck wrong with you?!" He bent over, holding his parts. "Get the fuck out of my house you drunk ass bastard, I don't want yo dirty ass anymore, shit I never really did."

I folded my arms across my chest as he stood up straight. "Fuck you bitch, you ain't shit anyways." I fanned him off and motioned to the door. "Just get out, your pathetic as fuck." I walked over to the door and opened it.

He clenched his jaw together and walked over to the door. "You gon regret everything you've been doin to me lately." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah, fuck you and your empty threats, get out." I pushed him out the door and slammed it shut.

I quickly locked the door as soon as I shut it and took a deep breath. I pulled off my heels and carried them into my bedroom. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and sat in on the nightstand.

I stripped out of my dress, feeling disgusted from Tyrell's touch. I walked into the bathroom and cut on the shower. I stepped back in my bedroom and clipped up my hair, when I noticed my phone flashing on the nightstand.

I sped walked over to it and looked down at the screen to see Tremaine calling me. I smirked and picked up the phone, wondering why he would be calling me right now. I answered and placed the phone to my ear.

ME: "Hello?"

TREMAINE: "Ah, you actually answered."

I chuckled.

ME: "You didn't think I would?"

TREMAINE: "Not exactly, since you said you would call me first."

ME: "I was just about to mention that, so I assume there's a reason why your calling first?"

TREMAINE: "There is, I wanted to invite you to a envent Im going to tommorow."

I lifted a brow.

ME: "What type of a event?"

TREMAINE: "A investor ball."

I frowned.

ME: "A investor ball? Since when did you become a investor?"

He chuckled.

TREMAINE: "Im not, my father is, and I have a extra ticket, so I would love for you to accompany me."

I smirked.

ME: "Alright, I'll go with you."

TREMAINE: "Good. I'll pick you at 8."

ME: "Im a big girl Tremaine, I can drive myself."

TREMAINE: "Damn, I can't even pick you up?"

ME: "No, but you can meet me there."

He chuckled.

TREMAINE: "I'll take that, I'll text you the address, and it's also a all white event.

ME: "Okay, I'll see you there."

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Tyrell in the Multimedia.


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