Chapter 10

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M i r a c l e

I turned my music up in my earphones as I stepped onto the elevator. I took a deep breath and released it slowly, trying to get myself mentally prepared for today. After my arguement with Jarod last night, My attitude has been way off.

I the button with number six on it before relaxing, leaning back onto the elevator wall. I was just about to close my eyes when I seen someone stick their hand in between the doors, causing them to open.

I softly sighed, knowing it had to be one of the girls that worked for me, Rickey, Bunnie or or Tami, and I honestly didn't feel like talking to anyone. I stood up straight, placing a fake smile on my face, waiting for someone to step onto the elevator.

I pulled one of my earphones out, and immediately frowned once I seen Stacy step in first, and then Jarod after her. I folded my arms across my chest, wondering why she was here. "Goodmorning Miracle." She said with a full smile.

"Morning.." I said lowly. Jarod looked over at me, while he placed his arm around her shoulder. "Mornin boss." He gave me a slight head nod, before turning to Stacy, whispering in her ear.

I scooted over in the elevator as the doors closed, so I wouldn't have to be to close to them. I cleared my throat, causing both of them to stop whispering to one another and look over at me. "Wassup?" Jarod asked, lifting both of his brows up.

"Did you come in to work today?" I asked, lifting a brow. He slightly chuckled. "Yeah, of course I came to work, why else would I be here?" I looked over at Stacy, who looked amused by all of this.

"Last time I checked, today wasn't take your friend or child to work day, you know the rules." He rubbed his chin and nodded. "Yeah I do, and don't trip, Stacy ain't stayin the whole day, I spent the night at her place, so she dropped me to work."

"Yeah, I had to make sure he got here safely...and on time." She dusted off his shirt and wrapped her arms around him, before snuggiling up on him. My jaw slightly clenched together, but I placed a small smile on my face. "Oh, and was that before or after you left my place last night?"

Stacy frowned and pulled her head off of Jarod's chest, looking up at him. "...You were at her house last night?" He sighed, giving me a look before looking down at her. "Yeah, I stopped by for a minute, but I came to you right after."

I smirked. "Yeah right after you couldn't get none from me." Her frown deepend as the doors to the elevator opened, revealing all the offices. "Excuse me? What is she talking about Rod?" I chuckled to myself as I stepped off the elevator, and made my way towards my office door.

I pushed the door open and shut it behind me, still chuckiling since I could hear Stacy going off on Jarod about him and I. I pulled out my chair and took a seat, just for someone to knock on my door.

I sighed and scooted my rolling chair all the way in before speaking. "Come in." I looked up to see Rickey stepping into my room. "Morning Mimi." I smiled. "Morning, your just the man I wanted to see by the way." He placed his hand on his chest. "Little ol me? What can I do for ya."

I chuckled. "I have a question." He sat down on the edge of my desk, trying to get comfortable. "Alright, go ahead." I opened up my mouth to speak, but he stopped me.

"Do you have any idea why my son is out there arguing with that Stacy girl??" I laughed. "I'll tell you later, but anyways, I went by Calvin's last night." He nodded. "Ok, did something happen?"

"Nothing bad happened.....atleast I don't think it did." He frowned. "What happened." I sighed. "He bought me a gift for helpin him out with something, and I was kind of supprised once I seen what it was."

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