Chapter 2

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"So how was your night?" Tami asked sitting down across from my desk. "It was fine, nothing spectacular." I shrugged and kept my eyes on the papers I was reading. "Just fine?" She smirked and looked me up and down. "Yeah...just I missing something?" She chuckled and shook her head. "I know Jarod came over last night." I nodded. "Yeah, so?"

"Don't play with me Mimi, give me the details." I sucked my teeth. "Ain't no details to give, this is a place of business remember? We don't talk about our personal lives here." She fanned me off. "Girl whatever, save all that shit for the newbees that you got workin here, you know Im your bestfriend and you know I need the tea." I chuckled, knowing she was right.

Tami started working here a few years back. I met her at the club one night and we suprisingly hit it off. We started to hang out, and I couldn't help but notice how all the men flocked to her when she stepped in the room. So once I trusted her enough, I told her about SERVICE and that I wanted to hire her.She was skeptical at first, but she came through for me. Now she's one of the best girls here, and my best friend, besides Jarod.

"Okay." I said in a sigh. "My night was good..real good." A huge smile spread across Tami's face. "Y'all fucked didn't y'all?" I fanned her off. "No." She lifted a brow and tilted her head to the side. "...He gave you head."

I looked up from my papers and frowned. "How'd you know that?" She smirked. "Cause I know you." she started. "If you ain't give him none, then I know you needed some other type of pleasure." I chuckled. "You right."

Just then, there was a slight knock at my office door. "Come in!" My door opened and I smiled once I seen Jarod's dad, stepping into the room. "Hey Mr.Rickey, wassup." He stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. "Goodmorning Mimi, Tami." He said giving us both a head nod.

"Your never in my office unless it's something important, so what is it?" I sat up straight in my chair, preparing myself for whatever he was about to say. "I just wanted to know how the interviews were coming along, I haven't seen to many new girls around here." I sighed. "I got it under control Rickey, I know we need more girls, I got a few coming in later for an interview."

He folded his arms across his chest. "How many is a few?" I sucked my teeth. "Don't be tryna check me, Im the boss here, remember?" He cracked a small smile and began to chuckle. "Just like your father." He walked back over to the front door, motioning for Tami to follow him.

"Come on, you need to start training the girls down stairs." She sighed and looked over at me. "He's your boss too, you need to listen to him." She rolled her eyes a little and stood up from her seat. "Alright, we still meeting up for drinks tonight right?" I nodded. "Yeah, of course."


"Tonight is a bust." Tami said in a sigh. I leaned back in my seat and took a sip of my margarita. "It was your idea to come out tonight, I told you we should have stayed in." She rolled her eyes. "Look, I was just tryna let you have some fun before next week, you know how crazy you get when the SERVICE girls go out." I sighed.

Every four months I started to get really tense. Sending the girls out to get the money was always the hardest part for me. Mostly because, one little slip up can fuck up the whole business and everything my father worked so hard to build all these years would be ruined, leavingme to blame. It put alot of stress on me, and that's why Im so hard on everyone, especially the girls I hire. I can't afford to mess up, not with everyone knowing who I am and who my father was.

"I know, Im trying to relax but-" "But you always fail." Tami said in a laugh. "Everything will be fine, your always stressin over nothing, the girls and I will all go out and do what we gotta do, don't worry." I shook my head. "There's new girls this time Tam, their who Im worried about." She sighed. "Listen, me and Bunnie have been workin with these girls, shit their to scared to even fuck up."

I laughed. "Bunnie? since when did she start helping you with the girls?" She rolled her eyes. "You know how she gets, just because she's best friends with us she thinks she better than the other girls, and the new ones too." I shook my head. "Typical she coming out tonight?" Tami shook her head no. "She's busy on a date." I frowned. "With who?" "I don't know, you know she has a different dude every week, I just stopped asking."

I shook my head and took another sip of my margarita. I looked around the bar that was basically empty, and sighed. "Can we call it a night? Ain't nobody here, we look desperate as hell just sitting here." Tami sighed. "Yeah, alright." She took her bag off the back of her chair and sat it in her lap. "You ready?" I asked, waiting.

"Wait." She reached across the table and grabbed my hand. I looked at her hand in mine and frowned. "What?" "There's this fine ass man, staring you down." I sucked my teeth. "Yeah right, let's go." I tried to stand up, but she pulled me back down in my seat. "Im serious, and he's making his way over here, act natural." She let go of my hand and looked down at her phone that was on the table. I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound of a man's voice stopped me.

"Excuse me." I looked over my shoulder and waited for him to speak. "How you doin? I'm Tremaine." He stuck out his hand to shake, making me laugh. I looked down at his hand and back up at him. He slowly put his hand down and rubbed his chin. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I smirked. "Aren't you talking now?" He chuckled.

"What's your name beautiful?" I sighed. "Miracle." "That's unique." I nodded. "I know." He smirked. "You not gonna say thank you?" I smirked. "Thank you...Tremaine right?" He nodded. "So where your boyfriend at?" He asked looking around the room. I rolled my eyes at the game he was tryna run on me. "I don't have a boyfriend." He lifted both of his brows and smiled. "Really? I just thought someone as fine as you would-"

"Have a boyfriend, yeah I know." He laughed. "Damn, is my game that lame?" I nodded. "Kind of." I said smiling. He nodded. "Ight, let me cut to the chase then." He reached for my phone and began typing something. "Call me sometime, I would love to see you again." He licked his lips and smiled at me before walking away.

I turned backaround to Tami, who was all smiles. "Damn he was fine." She said looking past me. I nodded in agreement. "He was...I might just give him a call too." She chuckled. "Forreal? Im suprised." "And why is that?" I folded my arms across my chest and waited.

"Stop acting like Jarod ain't gon beat yo ass and his when he finds out." I fanned her off. "Whatever, Jarod ain't my daddy and he ain't my nigga either, he don't control who I talk to." Tami sucked her teeth. "Please."

"Forreal." I started. "Jarod got his hoes, and I got a few guys I talk too to, we're not together, so we're not commited." I stood up from the table, placing my bag on my shoulder. "You ready to go forreal this time?" She sighed. "Yeah, let's go."

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Tami (Tammy Rivera)& Miracle in the Multimedia.



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