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once yerim successfully rearranged jungkook's entire schedule for the week, she got up from her chair, more than ready for her well deserved 'day off' (despite it only being monday).

she gathered her belongings and put on her jacket, checking her phone before leaving.

one message, from jungkook.

yerim found herself opening the text message at lightning-speed, to be faced with an address, of course. 'ah right, for the medication...' she spoke to herself. 'but how am i going to get there by myself?' she sighed, wondering how busy the trains and tramlines would be at this time of day.

suddenly, someone came to thought.

grabbing hold of the paper pharmacy bag, yerim made her way down to level 5, but she wasn't heading for the company restaurant as she usually would. walking to the level 5 offices, she scanned the rooms for a particular somebody... after a few brief minutes, she fortunately found the sculptured face of lee taeyong, sat down on a chair with some folders in his lap.

'i found you!' yerim exclaimed, causing taeyong, aswell as several other men in the room, to be aware of her presence — when she noticed the surplus of eyes on her, she bowed shyly to the other men, before gesturing for taeyong to come out of the room.

willingly, taeyong set the folders aside and rose from his seat, striding to the door within a few brisk steps.

'can i ask you for a favour?' yerim requested straight away, with pleading eyes.

taeyong cocked an eyebrow up, 'depends... what is it?'

'mr. jeon... he went home because he's not feeling too well but he left these meds' yerim told him, raising the bag of pills she had been holding. 'i'm so sorry but could you possibly run this over to his house during your lunch hour? or i guess after your shift ends?' yerim asked, her voice as light and sweet as sugar.

taeyong glanced at the bag before looking back in to yerim's eyes. 'medicine? i'm sure he'd rather you go to his house and deliver it to him yourself... and besides, i don't even know where he lives?'

'i would but i don't have a car or anything to get there, and i'm quite busy after work... please! i'll text you his address — he only just messaged me it so he could get these'

'and what's in it for me?'

yerim unconsciously brought out her unrivalled puppy eyes along with an accompanying pout. 'i...' she began, but couldn't think of anything to finish.

'ok how about,' taeyong started with a smirk. 'i'll run these over to jeon only if... i can take you out on a dinner this weekend?'

yerim blinked hard a couple times — did he really just ask her out like that? although she had to admit she was initially attracted to him when they first met in that elevator, that attraction wore off quick and she swore she'd only keep him as a friend... no more, no less.

yerim nodded, 'ok, deal.' she said, shoving the paper bag into taeyong's empty hands. 'make sure to give it to him asap! i'll text you the address in a few minutes, have a good day!' she bowed, turning away and escaping back towards the elevator.

she sighed heavily once she was in there. a dinner date with lee taeyong this weekend? why did that not excite her in any way? at least she was already pretty friendly with him so she'd doubt it would be awkward or such...

but yerim was confused. was taeyong actually interested in her? she was certain that he still had feelings for jieun — or atleast it seemed like he did with the way he'd look when talking about her.

after hours | jungriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz