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it had been several days since yerim had been working as jungkook's personal assistant. she began to get used to things, developing her own routine and becoming more familiar with the company building.

she dared to say that she didn't mind it — for now. she was never completely weighed down by an overwhelming amount of tasks; most often it was around a dozen tasks spread out through the entire 9 hours she worked, which was bearable. it meant she always had something to do so she was never bored, but she wasn't necessarily tied down by strict deadlines. if she hadn't got every task done in that current day, it would simply be moved on to the next day without any negative consequences or pressure.

that didn't mean yerim would slack off, though. she wanted to offer her time and services to such a grand gaming company like jeon co., sincerely. she worked as hard as she could and promised she'd get faster and more efficient as time went on — yerim was the type of person who'd always strive to be the best version of herself, no matter the situation.

working with jungkook was surprisingly a breeze. he'd make a few teasing comments throughout the day but the office was mostly silent otherwise. the two wouldn't really talk unless it was necessary, which yerim was content with.

however, no one else knew that; poor yerim had already garnered a noticeable influx of whispers and glances towards her since working for jungkook. she knew what everyone was thinking — they all thought she must be sleeping with jungkook or something — and it infuriated her. she couldn't believe even a formal and grown up environment, mostly consisting of mature and wise employees, would viciously gossip about a new, young employee like that, without knowing anything.

so after five or so days, yerim started eating lunch with jungkook in the office. some days jungkook would eat lunch later, so yerim would sit there mostly scrolling though her phone; other days, the two would engage in some small talk, nothing too deep or personal, and yerim thought it was a lot nicer than feeling judged by her older colleagues.

except a couple of days ago, during one of these lunches, jungkook surprised yerim with a question:

'you know there's a christmas party this weekend? want to be my date?'

yerim thought back to how she flat out rejected him within seconds. she already explained to him the situation on level 5, and this, without a doubt, would not help.

'yerim, you shouldn't care what other people think. besides, colleagues always hook up at these parties, it's no big deal...'

'what are you even suggesting? you're the vp, i'm never hooking up with you.' yerim swore, stuffing some kimbap in her mouth.

jungkook shrugged, 'ok. let's see if you can resist me this weekend.'

yerim rolled her eyes at his cocky remark, whilst getting ready for this christmas party. with the help of sooyoung, she decided to wear a rather short bodycon black dress — with a pretty bardot neckline lined with lace — that fit her body like a glove.

'are you sure this isn't too short?' yerim looked towards sooyoung, already knowing the answer that would slip from her best friend's mouth.

'no, of course not! you have to wear dresses that short to a party... otherwise, when will you ever show off that hot bod?'

'but i'm still so new, it's barely been a few weeks... what if they think-'

'yerim, stop caring about what those old farts think! let everyone fall for you, you look absolutely gorgeous.'

yerim smiled upon hearing her friend's encouraging words. 'thanks.'

'the black hair too, oh my god i missed you with black hair' sooyoung continued to praise yerim's dazzling appearance.

after hours | jungriTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon