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it was two days after the christmas party. since the party finished well in to the late hours of the night, everyone had a day off the next day so they could rest and return to work perfectly as normal the following day; today.

it was 8:07am and yerim was still at home, 7 minutes late for work. sooyoung had persuaded yerim to go along with her plan, therefore step 1 was to scare jungkook in to thinking she wasn't going to show up.

'are you really sure about this outfit, soo? i'm going to get so many looks...' yerim sighed, staring at herself in the mirror. sporting an ivory blouse made of silk and a black pencil skirt that was a lot shorter than her normal office skirts, yerim looked a little inappropriate for work, albeit gorgeous and certainly seductive.

'just wear a long blazer or coat when you're not in his office!' sooyoung smirked, looking at her stunning best friend. 'he'll so regret saying whatever he did with you looking like that. it doesn't even look like you're trying, you're just effortlessly sexy which is the best part.'

yerim chuckled, flipping one side of her hair dramatically for effect. 'why thank you, my one and true love.'

8:10am hit and a loud buzz sounded from yerim's phone.

'perfect.' sooyoung grinned, hoping it was what she had anticipated it would be.

yerim also smiled at the thought and grabbed her phone, checking the notification that came through. she looked up at sooyoung and nodded, 'you're right, again.'

'of course i am!' sooyoung giggled, 'go on, what did he say?'

'yerim, you're late for work. since i upset you, i'll let you come in a little later today, 8:45pm.' she read out the message, word for word.

jungkook and yerim had exchanged numbers a few days in to working with each other — for business reasons of course, such as updates, emails and hyperlinks they needed to share with one another. so, when jungkook had personally texted yerim asking her to come in, sooyoung was not surprised at all — in fact, this exact text message was in sooyoung's plan for revenge.

'you know what to reply.' she said, referring to her scheme.

'i scare him by telling him that i'm not coming in because i've quit, right?' yerim remembered sooyoung's words she had drilled in to the girl, the day before.

sooyoung gave a firm nod, and with that, yerim sent her boss the text. it only took a mere few minutes before another buzz vibrated from her phone.

'yerim, you have to come in. i can assure you that i have forgotten everything that happened that night. we can resume as normal. i'll be expecting you by 8:45.' she read out jungkook's words to sooyoung once again.

'hmm, ok don't reply. and turn up a few minutes after 8:45' the elder commanded the younger.

yerim nodded, 'ok, that means i have an extra 15 minutes until i need to leave.' she smiled, 'that means i can buy some iced choco.'


yerim had arrived at the jeon co. building at exactly 8:47am, walking in and taking the elevator straight to level 10. since it was before 9am, the grand building of jeon co. was rather scarce of employees, save a few senior members who started an hour earlier, like jungkook.

once the elevator reached the very top of the building, yerim got out and began walking towards jungkook's office. she gave a weak smile to the pair of bodyguards that were often stationed along the marbled hallways.

she couldn't deny the fact that her heart was racing at the thought of facing jungkook again, for the first time after the party. she knew he'd pretend to forget about it but she, herself, couldn't help replay the steamy scene in her head over and over again.

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